Announcement: New/updated in HaikuDepot (2019)

Announcement: New/updated in HaikuDepot (2019)

This is a thread strictly for short announcements of new or updated software.
If you find problems with the presented software or encounter any other issues, please open a new specfic topic to avoid derailing this thread.

These topics are a yearly installment to avoid one very long mega-thread.

Past announcements:

My latest tiny Tracker add-on ā€œOpen Origin Packageā€ is now in the HaikuDepot. It shows from which package a file comes from.

Open Origin Package is a Tracker Add-On that finds the package(s) of any selected file(s) and opens it in the preferred application.
By default that is HaikuDepot where you could uninstall the package, or look at its description or the ā€˜Contentsā€™ tab to see what other files are part of that package and where they are.

The source is available at GitHub.
Iā€™d much rather have this functionality in Trackerā€™s ā€œGet infoā€ panel, see ticket #10528, but my code-fu is just too lame. :slight_smile:
Iā€™ll happily remove the package again, if anyone solves that ticketā€¦


I upload my new project, a GUI for fan made levelsets of Alex the Aligator 4.

I collect levels from the internet and add a preview picture to the archiv. i create a list to select the levelset and a second one to start beginning the selected level, so people can play the they want and does not need to play other good known levels again and again (Alex4 with custom maps does not have the menu option to select completed levels).

This is a early version, i will work on it time by timeā€¦ (Watch out HaikuDepot too)


Is in you add-on included the files copied or linked to other position over a post- install-Script too?

Normally, yes. Every file that gets packaged gets the attribute ā€œSYS:PACKAGE_FILEā€ with the file name of its HPKG.

As long as the post-install script copies files that were in that same package, it works. It does not work for files created by the application of that package or, for example, if there were some ZIP archive that gets expanded by the post-install script etc.

New on our 64bit repo (only website:

Hermes (Jump and Run)


Funnily enough, I just recently realized that HaikuDepot doesnā€™t show the ā€œUninstallā€ button when started with a package (i.e. itā€™s in ā€œsingle-package-window-modeā€). I filed ticket #14821 with that.

Question: Until that ticket is solved, would it make more sense to just open the folder of that package and select the HPKG?
If people wanted to uninstall, they can simply move/delete the HPKG. If they wanted it opened in HaikuDepot, itā€™d just be a doubleclick/pressing ENTER.

(Iā€™ll soon publish an update. If anyone wants to provide a missing translation, please do so at Polyglot.)


I have just finished the Portuguese translation. :wink:

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Playing around with Alex the Allegator bring me up to search for the colored edition of the PSP port of the game. I found them and create a new package:



Back again online past alpha 4.1



Can BeSly get running on HTTPS? You can get a free certificate via LetsEncrypt.


Hello Nighthawk,

yes is possible, but not yet. i search for a new server and then i will change all sites to https.


Awesome, thanks!

Hello Nighthawk,

the Repo is running with HTTPS.


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Great, thanks!

I really should add the recipe for this to haikuports :slight_smile: (this was a wip for someone that was looking into getting TEXstudio to run on Haiku)


whats different with Lyx?

Lyx? Only searched to get this one building :slight_smile:

New version of haiku package creator and first steps online.


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I add my new game ā€œ5 Dicesā€ to our Repository server:

I also add my second new game (old one completed) ā€œColorSequenceā€: