Announcement: New/updated in HaikuDepot (2018)

This is a thread strictly for short announcements of new or updated software.
If you find problems with the presented software or encounter any other issues, please open a new specfic topic to avoid derailing this thread.

These topics are a yearly installment to avoid one very long mega-thread.

Past announcements:

I rework our very old Gobe Office Templates package in yab. I rename it to Office Tempates and add the option for other office suits.


Inspired by a discussion in the forum, I created a startup window for newcomers (Like in Linux). Here are all important information that the new user needs. In addition, this little script includes a tour of haiku with the important haiku specific things.


We have put his HiQDock onlien for hey68you. They are looking for eager testers.


Very good ideaā€¦ great work thxā€¦ lelldorinā€¦

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As I mentioned in another thread, this is a really good idea. We really do need this in Haiku ā€“ badly. And Iā€™m thankful itā€™s come to BeSly. However, I really wish this could land in the official Nightly (even if just as a ā€˜trial runā€™ for a few weeks, so users could test it and provide feedback to make it a polished part of the OS. :smiley:

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As mentioned in that other thread, itā€™s currently a collection of mainly the same web-links that are on the Welcome page.

I had a quick look at the Tour. Itā€™s IMO too elaborate (maybe there should be a brain-storming thread in the forums first to identify the most important topics for newcomers) and slides are either changed too slowly or too fast, thereā€™s no pause or going back.

I wonder, why itā€™s done as a yab script instead of plain HTML, maybe with a javascript slideshow if people feel itā€™s important to avoid pressing on a next/previous button. A set of HTML pages can be viewed online on any OS. It also hugely facilitates cooperation, best by putting everything into a github and accepting pull-requests.


Because it is a try and test work, only a how it can be. The haiku team can made it like they wont. But one thing is important, it need to be run able without Internet.

The welcome page is bundled in the releases, on the desktop, and viewable without internet.
Documentation is one of the very few cases where I think a browser will do a better job than a dedicated application.

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Is this really true? i delete the desktop file for long time and just search for it in order to add it into my ā€œfirst stepsā€ example. I only found a bookmark connecting to the website, not from the disk. This to files different (desktop and the link to the welcome page included the system paths)?

This has been said 4 or 5 times already. The file is included in releases. It is not installed in nightlies which are made as small as possible to reduce storage space needed on our servers and download times.

I have clean up our tutorial finder (need to change all links and add new ones) and build a new hpkg. With this gui you can browse all tutorials of our knowledge base (old one).



UploadIt is a Tracker Add-On that uploads a single file to the online service The Null Pointer at . The URL for the uploaded file is put into the clipboard after the upload has finished, ready to be pasted into an email, a chat window or forum post.

According to The Null Pointer, files can be max. 512 MiB and are held at least 30 days and max. a year. The bigger a file the shorter itā€™ll be available. Thereā€™s a nice ASCII art diagram on their website. :slight_smile:

So itā€™s best suited to quickly upload a screnshot, syslog, etc. and forget about it. Not so much to backup files for posterity.


Very good idea, i like

Info: our 64bit repo server is online. Thanks to lorglas to do this work.

We are working on the packages for 64 bit


New Version of our HPKGCreator available



New little game online:

Still yet another sokoban - 32bit only



HaikuDepot could have another tab for this purpose, simular to ā€œFeatured Packagesā€. Something like ā€œRecently addedā€ or ā€œRecent packagesā€.


Why? You can add our Serben and then you can see our files too.

And if HaikuDepot check every Server all the time it could be lost speed using the system or internet

I meant the HaikuDepot application, not the repository. A way to let new applications or notable updates stand out in a separate section, like the current ā€œfeaturedā€ tab.