I know that we already have Web+ and Web+ is utilizing WebKit and you have spent very much efforts to it. But Web+ can’t really be a replacement for real browser (a platform indeed) like Firefox, Chromium. But they are too big to port. Recently, I found PaleMoon. It’s forked from old Firefox codebase so it’s doesn’t have any Rust code. It’s a big plus for the porting of it. It’s build ontop of the UXP platform. The only thing we need to do to make PaleMoon available on Haiku is to contribute the Haiku GUI backend to UXP. UXP currently only has two GUI backends: Win32 and GTK+ (could be GTK+2 or GTK+3). Having the Haiku GUI backend worked, the non GUI code is pretty much portable, we would have a real browser (with support for extensions) on Haiku which is PaleMoon.
Do you think it’s worth enough to port PaleMoon to Haiku?
I think it’s worths. Haiku needs a real browser to be a viable operating system and Palemoon fully suitable for this.
I know we have Otter. But Otter currently can’t match PaleMoon. The last time I tried it, with filter list turned on to block ads, the performance is really suffered. PaleMoon + Ublock Origin Legacy is a much better combo.
Note: When building and distributing PaleMoon, just keep in mind don’t use the official branding, and you will be safe with the silly MPL license that both PaleMoon and Firefox used. You could contact them at palemoon.org to receive the rights to use the official branding.
p/s: The limitation of the MPL about branding is well known. If you ported Firefox, not PaleMoon, you still suffered from the same limitation. So this is not an disadvantage of PaleMoon at all.
- I want PaleMoon ported
- I want to focus on Web+ only
- I want the modern Firefox to be ported instead
- Why about Chromium and QtWebEngine?
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