If I’m a user of Windows/MacOS/Linux and I’m interested in using this new video editor, why would I ditch my OS and install another one if the app is available on my OS as well? It’s not how ‘killer app’ works.
To be fair, Haiku doesn’t even have the infrastructure to compete in this arena anymore, for that to happen we’ll have to get support for GPU acceleration.
Haiku really needs to compete with a good screencapture, and screen grabber support, accelerated editing and previews, accelerated postprocessing and encoding etc… there is alot going on in modern video editing.
Is suppose it would be fine for lower end home video though, and as such a desirable Program to use be it “killer” or not.
My Haiku native video editor can decode and display 1920x1080@30 fps video stream in less than 0.5ms (with an excellent frame caching mechanism), so video editing is OK on unaccelerated hardware on modern systems (i7 4870 2.5GHz, 4+4 cores). The problem is OpenGL based video effects which take 30-60ms to render based on effect. Again, not a serious problem. UHD (4K) video is 4x worse so that would benefit from accelerated hardware. Standard HD is OK on my laptop.
Yes but 4k and up is becoming commonplace and quadruples the load… at every level just as you say. RED cameras already record in 5k and 8k… also 1080p@60fps video is pretty common on youtube these days.
Even my cellphone records in 4k… quite compressed but even so.
Like I said it’s fine for consumer use… but BeOS was originally targeted at professional use.
I got 4K video playback to work using Haiku with mpv. Just scale it down from “full screen” mode.
This is efficient on a 3Ghz quad-core 64-bit setup. Not efficient on my dual-core 32-bit laptop yet.
The OpenGL part is in not doing too much (aka full screen effects) or certain ‘live rendering’ effects to overload things.
One thing about certain ‘killer apps’ is exclusivity - i.e. they are usually not marketed as cross-platform (i.e. multi-OS) applications upon initial release (basically, marketed as exclusively developed on/for Haiku). Like Amiga promoted EA’s DeluxePaint which wasn’t available for other computers.until a few years - or like Newtek’s Video Toaster for Amiga or Apple’s FInal Cut Pro. An app that specifically utilizes Haiku’s strengths (and/or weaknesses) to help market the benefits of Haiku to other people.
Let me just say that I applaud any and all efforts to get a video editor running on Haiku. Editing video is a difficult endeavor with multiple unique challenges. Let me give a brief description on UltraDV, a native BeOS editor effort ported to Haiku. UltraDV was originally intended as a commercial product to be release under BeOS V4 or so. The code was open sourced and archived and is freely available. It features an interface with 8 tracks for audio, video, and stills. The interface code is mostly complete and is simple and reasonably intuitive. There is an interface for transition effects, but transitions themselves still need to be coded. The code itself is close to rendering output but not quite completed. The challenge is that the rendering was written for V4.0 Media Server functions which no longer exist. UltraDV can be easily extended to support any resolution of video.
Latest screenshot from my Haiku native video editor. I now have A/B markers. Audio scrubbing plays live preview. Still have heaps to do, but slowly getting there. Expect to release by the time R1 is final.