To expand our hardware list , i would be interested to know which external network adapters are supported/or not supported.
Of course, this only makes sense if you run Haiku directly on hardware.
Please provide the following information:
Manufacturer: for example benfei
Model: for example B_317grey
Connection: for example USB
Haiku hrev number you use this on
Note: Information necessary for operation
Please don’t have any discussions about it here, only post hardware
Manufacturer: benfei
Model: B_317grey B08KWC7D78 (China)
Connection: USB
Haiku hrev: 55181
Note: Does not supported by Haiku, system does not see this network adapter.
** I have the driver for Linux (included source) on the CD of the adapter. Anyone have interest do build it for Haiku`?
On CD:
ax88179_178a.c|AX88179_178A Linux driver main file
ax88179_178a.h|AX88179_178A Linux driver header file
Makefile|AX88179_178A driver make file
Manufacturer: UFREEN
Model: USB 3.0 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter 40321
Connection: USB
Haiku hrev: 55181
Note: Does not supported by Haiku, system does not see this network adapter (BSD driver should be available - AX88179).
Manufacturer: amazon basics
Model: USB 3.0 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter CAN ICES-003 (B)/NMB-003 (B)
Connection: USB
Haiku hrev: 55181
Note: Does not supported by Haiku, system does not see this network adapter (BSD driver should be available - AX88179).
Manufacturer: Rankie Model: Ethernet Connection: USB 3.0 Adapter 1000Mbps (RJ45) Haiku hrev: 56627 Note: System DOES SEE this network adapter, it displays that it is connected (Greenlight). It shows the MAC address of the adapater, but it’s not possible to ping anything. Can’t get IP from DHCP.
Tried with static IP address, but it is not working either.
Very next to working state !
Sold on Amazon.
Perfectly working on linux/BSD/winshit…