So… wow! I had no clue this post would get this much attention from the community (thought it’d just be a random ‘idea’ post of mine out there)!
I got a stack of posts to reply to but I’ll try best I can haha
At first I was writing a full on essay and was like oh crap, this is long… and then realized it’d probably be a better idea to tag and reply to a few posts so here we go
@memsom Thanks for the Dano facts! I guess I thought there was just one Dano (the R5.1d0 build), I’d guessed November 2001 from the compile date
I’d totally love to learn more about Be back in its day!
@rjzak I think it depends on the time zone someone sees it from; I’m not saying everything everywhere will be a tablet, but I guess that when close to everyone I know uses phones, tablets, and Chromebooks (and a few W10 laptops in there), yeah, desktops are old school. There’s a few gamers I know that have custom ones (and several in the h/w list use custom ones) but it’s a limited thing; I’d guess desktops beyond gaming or hacking are for ‘pro’ people like the Mac Pro. And about Pine64, Postmarket, etc tbh this won’t be anything for a phone but instead for convertible/x64 tablets that wouldn’t need special builds (why the title is tablet centric distro). I guess where I was saying mobile (my bad I said that, I get where mobile = phone), it’d be more like how the shell will work (no movable windows, no old desktop, etc) I would like to also finish some stuff for my iPad, (but on the iPad, it wouldn’t be an OS at all just a shell most likely). And… anyways, far as hardware, yeah, I don’t think tablets are taking over the world totally. The large stuff will still be needed (like as a backend to power everything); I think custom desktops, severs, clusters, all that will most likely be around for a long time but those are outside Haiku and stuff – for normal users, I think it’s laptops and smaller, probably even AR/VR and like a headband or something that reads what users want to do will prob be the future – and that part scares me about where free projects are at now, no cap
@roiredxsoto I like your ideas for both s/w and h/w improvements but idk if it’d be something I’d want to do because that’d totally mean a Haiku distro (which I’m not sure if I’d want to do), a few years back before I think my brain was all in
I had made a distro (based on A4.1 at first then switched to Nightly) and it was not good, I learned a lot from that (like not to do it again)
@ModeenF So when I did my retro review series, I really tried to look for stuff besides BeOS and Haiku from 2001 on, and afaik I totally get why the Linuxes I found are gone. I couldn’t find any that really worked. Zeven looked like Xubuntu with BeOS icons on it, BlueEyedOS was like a small demo that booted, and the links to other stuffs like (Cosmoe) didn’t work when I tried to download them. I’d messed around with a distro myself that was meant to run a flavor of Haiku in a VM and a Linux DE outside which didn’t work. Saying all this because I’m obsessed with anything Be or Apple history
so if there’s other stuff out there it’d be totally great to know!
@jt15s Thanks! I’m hoping the h/w list helps Haiku as well, and as far as the UI concepts, I’ve tried to post about them and I totally get some are so huge they might not happen (the KDL improvements, the app freeze/resume) but other ideas like adding avatars (the Lego/Roblox looking dude that’s in my profile pic btw) or a better tab system (like pretty much all modern apps have) aren’t that hard and get reasons why not or ignored. I’ve got tired of trying with it all, I think messing with stuff outside Haiku (i.e. on Linux) might be the better way
@win8linux I get Haiku has a lot of good points and a lot of strengths to it, but like already mentioned in the thread, I’d done a Haiku based distro before and it was a total fail, and tbh I’m really not ready to do that again. Yeah I’ve learned some from messing up before and have matured since then – and that’s exactly why I wouldn’t go Haiku for putting in all my ideas. Like even if I could put together a new Haiku distro with my own shell on it, Haiku is meant by its design to be one (like the HaikuDepot, hpkg system and the PackageFS, the updater, etc) and there’s the vibe of “one distribution, one system” which radiates through the docs, community, so on. Though Haiku’s open source so technically someone could do a distro, there’s not really room for a second Haiku; if it got popular, it might even chop up the user base. As a Linux system, there’s a good chance it wouldn’t do that, it’d be ‘just another Linux’ inspired by BeOS that way, maybe with its own fans and users. But let’s say if someone went ‘to heck with it’ and took out the depot, packages, updater from a new distro so the changes wouldn’t get overwritten, what’d make it different than doing it on Linux? It wouldn’t be Haiku anymore, I guess what I’m saying is no matter how I think about it, Linux would really be the better way forward for my ideas
Anyways, idk what else to add here other than I’ve read everything, I like the suggestions (tbh except for basing it on Haiku), I’ve thought about it and realize Linux prob is the way to go, that’s kinda my replies to everyone, peace 
(edit: Fixed several grammar mistakes)