Manuskript available for Haiku

Good day,

Yesterday, July 25th was holiday here, so I spent the afternoon with Haiku, getting PyQt5 from Haikuports working in order to check if Manuskript could be used on Haiku.

As it is a python app, and can be run from sourcecode, I just downloaded the source code and try to run it without success, until @extrowerk came to the rescue pointing out a crucial step.

Therefore, Manuskript can be used in Haiku now, prior installation of PyQt5, and running python3.6 manuskript from the bin folder inside the downloaded package.

While on the Manuskript website it states that just typing manuskript launches the software, the python3.6 call is needed in order to actually launch the app.

Then, the process to use Manuskript as of today is as follows:
1- Install PyQt5 from Haikuports. The recipe is available and it does work
2- Download Manuskript’s source code from its website
3- Unpack the .zip or .tar.gz file and put it at your desired location
4- Go to the new Manuskript folder and navigate to the bin folder inside
5- Open a terminal in that bin folder (right click add-ons>open terminal)
6- At the prompt type python3.6 manuskript and you are good to go

The outcome is:

Thanks @extrowerk

Now need to learn how to package it and add the Haikufied icon.



Hello roiredxsoto,

for create a package you can use the HPKG Creator available on

The Description for the HPKG Creator can you find here:

to create a package over the terminal you can use this tutorial:

For design a icon and added to the program you can used this tutorial:

If you need a server we can put the package online, but then the the vendor must be Besly Software Solutions.

If you have a server for your repository you can use repomaker to organize. See this Tutorial for the repomaker

Regards lorglas

This one is better at the beginning:

This documentation is very old, i need to write it new to be up to date with the current version. The program is full of tool tips so you should use it without problems. Give it a try.

Good day,

Thanks for the tips, @lorglas. The icon has already been ported a couple of weeks ago, before I realized about the PyQt5 stuff, so I “ported” the icon first :slight_smile: . I think the job would do the trick:


I will get on with your indications and with @lelldorin’s as soon as I get free time to get back to Haiku with enough time to do something productive.

Thanks both.


How is this going @roiredxsoto :slight_smile: ?

Would love to be able to use Manuskript on my Haiku machines.

Good day @Knez,

Right now I’m studying how to package it and add the icon to the package in order to be able to have an HPKG. It can be used right now though, as long as you have Python 3.6 and run it as stated in the first post.

I need to verify some rendering issue which I’m not sure it has something to do with me having to use framebuffer safe graphics instead of the radeon driver or is due to a fix needed.

If I can get to understand the packaging stuff soon, Manuskript will be available as a package soon too, though I should do some more testing.

Time is not on my side… though I’m working on it :wink:


Good day,

Finally, yesterday I had an hour to work on the package, and this is the result of the first attempt at it:

Now I need to add the Icon, and do some fixing so the Icon and Manuskript name appear on the Deskbar instead of “python3.6”. Also do some research on file types and file types’ icons so Manuskript files get the proper icon and open in Manuskript.

This first attempt at the package was possible thanks to @lelldorin.

Will keep posted on updates.

Other matter is the packaging format to make this soft available, plain HPKG or use HaikuPorter? One step at a time.


Afaik there is no way to override the python3.6 name and icon currently.
You can hovewer add a nice icon to the script, but it will show up only in Tracker.

…you can check icon here…

oops… sorry… you already have icon… :smile:

No prob… As my skills are limited, the first thing I was able to port was the Icon, :rofl:


Thx @extrowerk, then it means I need to take a different approach to make it integrate better with the Deskbar and the system.
More work to do… :slightly_smiling_face:


The way to get an icon is to write a C++ cover. You’d do whatever the point is in BApplication functionality - including, probably, set up a log file where the tracebacks can go, Py_SetProgramName(), Py_Initialize(), PySys_SetArgv, PySys_SetPath - and then run the program via PyRun_AnyFile(). Or that’s how I did it 10 years ago, could have been some changes in Python since then. All that stuff has to be linked with a Python library, of course.

It would be simpler if your C++ wrapper could just execve() the python interpreter, but I suppose that would reset the icon etc.

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Excited for this package!

Good day @Dane,

The package I’ve already made, and installing works. I still need to figure out how to add the icon, the right name in Deskbar and some other things. I need time to try what @donn pointed out here, carefully review the code, and some other minor stuff.

As soon as I can get those things working I will post the result here. Be patient, as I don’t have much free time, nor much knowledge yet. It will be available, hopefuly :slightly_smiling_face:


The icon? The icon on the binary?

Good day @lelldorin,

I have the Icon,( was the first thing I did ), I have the package, the package installs, but I can’t get the icon to show. In fact, the Deskbar shows “python 3.6” instead of “Manuskript”.

If it were in GTK, it would be easy. I just used Gnome Builder and build as Flatpak app, everything “straightforward”, though that was the case with the simple app I build for my own needs. With Manuskript is different, as I didn’t code anything. I tried to get PyInstaller, but was not able to install it with “pip” on any python, 2.7, 3.6 and 3.7.

So I need to study Manuskript code, and need to study Haiku’s software build system in order to get a proper outcome. And this is going to take me some time, which is shared with other tasks :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll call for your help when I get time to get back with the Manuskript task.
Thanks a lot.

Have you tried to add the icon using icon-o-matic to the program binary or script fiel?

I never saw a way of adding an icon directly from Icon-O-Matic. FileTypes will do it, though. I suspect adding one via an rdef script is probably the preferable way to go, but it seems a bit complicated.