LibreOffice is now available for Haiku

I was asking elsewhere whether to install Haiku on a 32 bit machine, or 64. I will want to use LibreOffice, and I am now wondering whether the 32 bit version is working yet. If not, that will dictate going the 64 bit route.

32 bit version is working.

I would recommend not making LibreOffice dependent on Java; or at the very least, donā€™t make the package depend on a JRE (this is the way it is on Windows; itā€™ll use the JRE if you request it but it wonā€™t otherwise.)

Further, Base does not need a JRE for normal operation; it only needs it if you want to use certain obscure Oracle database formats. So unless anyone actually needs these, donā€™t even bother trying to set it up, itā€™s a pain to do even on Linux.

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Of course, that was what I had in mind. Creating another package with LO database formats and make it depend on JRE.

ā€œitā€™s a pain to do even on Linux.ā€

I can second that. I canā€™t get it to work in Linux. But it wasnā€™t presented as an option. It refused to work at all unless JRE was installed. Same in Windows.

Thatā€™s good news. Thank you.

Exellent news, BTW it would be great to obtain an ā€œofficial approvalā€ by LO team:

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ā€œExtended tipsā€ can be activated in the LibreOffice Writer, but only temporarily.
Unfortunately, users with a miserable short -term memory, like me, unfortunately need that.

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Does printing work ?

So far I havenā€™t tried to print. When LibreOffice for Haiku is ready to import complex pages from MS Office (Writer), Iā€™ll try!
It works amazingly well, but OpenOffice does the import ā€˜out of the boxā€™ almost perfectly! Maybe itā€™s because of s.g. ā€˜Preferencesā€™? - which I didnā€™t do though.

Hello @cocobean,
you wrote few days ago on IRC Channel that you have successfully build LibreOffice with working spelling, grammar and thesaurus:

Have you any plans to upload it to Haiku Depot?

A working spell checking would be great! :blush:


ILibreOffice and are built for Haiku R1B4.

I posted LibreOffice for the next update to Haiku Depot.


Libre office version 24 was released some weeks backā€¦wonder when this will be available in haiku R1B4

One doesnā€™t simply ā€œuploadā€ things into the depot.


Almost done. Iā€™ll update it soon



That was fastā€¦thanksā€¦really appreciate

libreoffice is THE main thing for meā€¦lot of workā€¦

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Not yet in thereposā€¦!!

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In process. I want to update Qt6 to 6.7.0. before updating LibreOffice.


Recently, QT updated to 6.6ā€¦on haikuā€¦
Day before yesterday, on my void-linux, LO updated to

Today, on my void-linux, LO updated to
But Voidlinux has only QT5
Is QT6.7 a necessity for upgrading LO to higher versions?

No but, since on Haiku LO is built with the Qt backend, it seems a good idea to finish updating it before. I donā€™t know about Void but most linux distros are using Gtk backend.