Hi there, just wanted to let everyone know that we have LibreOffice working and it already can be installed via HaikuDepot. https://depot.haiku-os.org/libreoffice
Since this is a preliminary version it has some known issues:
It closes the very first time you launch it (it creates a user profile in ~/config/settings/libreofficedev)
You can’t change the font - everything is rendered using the same font
Only menubar looks native, many widgets are just bitmaps which come from the icon theme
Some rendering problems here and there (scrollbars, listviews, etc)
Crashes on quit sometimes
Most of the work was done by KapiX. I just wrote a few patches, a recipe and managed to build it using haikuporter with help from 3dEyes.
From the captions for the screen shots, this is LibreOffice 6.0. Correct?
I presume it is available in 32-bit and 64-bit variants?
When I have an opportunity for formal testing, I will assess how well files created/edited in LibreOffice are handled by MS Office. My current and prospective clients are using solely MS Office.
Visual Components Library is responsible for the widgets (windowing, buttons, controls, file-pickers etc.) operating system abstraction, including basic rendering (e.g. the output device).
VCL provides a graphical toolkit similar to gtk+, Qt, SWING etc.
Thanks! What I meant was how is the difference between the first screenshots in the post itself and the screenshot from your comment explained? For example the scrollbars and drop-downs look native in your later screenshot. I thought the BControlLook-mapper already existed in the Qt port since a long time, I remember making changes to it myself. So if both screenshots use the same VCL backend, why does the second one look so much better?