Koder - new native code editor

Thanks for explaination. I can send you the theme if you would like to.


I added my Dark theme (C++ only for now).
Its not perfect, I still cant change the white line (Brace ballance spaning over multiple lines).



Nice! I bet KapiX wouldn’t say no to a pull-request… :slight_smile:


I see there is a Koder app code editor already for iPad/iPhone. I can see this as a possible naming conflict, unless it’s based on it.

Did you see this? https://www.haiku.ai/

It’s not based on it, and I don’t intend to change the name unless the original author decides it’s a problem.


Yes I did. I thought about mentioning it, but it’s not an operating system. It is software, but very different in genre. Koder and Koder are both code editors. There’s more direct confusion.

I like the name koder. Run with it!

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“I like the name koder. Run with it!”

Yes, but General Edmund Duke Coding App is not bad also, so if name could be changed, lets dont wait any longer!


I actually like the motivated own-made king :smile:

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We can rerune Koder to:

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Why not old hungarian alphabet then?

I like runes, but they are not made for complex text;-)

Why not HaiKoder?

Or HaiKode. Like XCode, only Haikuier.

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Haiku integrated development environment?

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Of course, runes were designed to be “written” with a knife on wood.

Isnt this thread about 3D accel?
I would not be happy if some guys would try to rename my intellectual product without my consent, but thats me and i never made anything, so i can be wrong.

I’m not serious. I thought we were just spitballing ideas in case there was an issue with that other Koder program.

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If there would be any problem, the other party have also the right to rename itself :wink:


Except that’s not what Koder is supposed to be. It is only an editor and it will stay that way.

Besides renaming means new icon (kindly donated by others) and, frankly, you could find a clash with any name I choose because someone, somewhere made something called like this already.

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This sounds too GNUish.