Announcement: New/updated in HaikuDepot (2021)

Port revbumped at haikuports, TecnoballZ now with a lovely icon, PS I also included the iom file there @3dEyes, thanks again! :clap:

Just checked on a fairly clean 32bit, and it’s working fine here @lelldorin

EDIT With the new Icon from @3dEyes :wink:

FTC is a game like mastermind.
It is available for 32bit and 64bit.
You can found it on

Have fun.



Another little app in yab is Workspace_Namer. With this app you can give your Workspaces Names.
They will be displayed, if you change the workspace. The administration tool find you in preferences.



I “think” that should be “Toggle” not “Toogle”?

Ok, i will be change this.

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fpc (freepascal) 3.2.2 for x86_gcc2 and x86_64 now available


Oh I forgot to mention that FS-UAE Launcher was fixed a couple of weeks ago, so the one in the depot now actually works again :slight_smile:

I think it’s just x86_64 but that’s probably just due to no testing on x86 gccX secondary arch.


I figured out how to solve this specific issue

add to ./src/

CONFIG += resources_big

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Ist die Elmstreet-SW ausschließlich 32Bit ?

Sieht so aus. Weiss nicht ob A. Wilcek noch aktiv ist für Haiku.

Leider läuft timeliner nicht mehr auf haiku

No matter with me Haiku running 32-bit after the 30.06.2021 no longer on real hardware!

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I have pushed the needed changes to master for kristall and added x86 build instructions. Just an fyi. So master should now build for x86 with out issue.

Hi timeliner is working under Haiku, but you have change the attributes of the timeliner. Chmod 777 timeliner, then start it.

But it has some issue, Please look at this board unter Old software for BeOS, ZETA and Haiku (32Bit).

regards lorglas

Thanks, made a PR to the recipe with those changes:

No problem, gemini browsing was my main purpose for that 32 bit laptop so I was pretty determined to get it to build.

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The PR was just merged, so you can use the HaikuPorts package now.

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Comming up, latest version for Cutter (still needs to be launched from /system/apps/Cutter)

Update, Cutter is now available for 32bit and 64bit, for this 2 new recipes were added, tree-sitter needed for rizin, rizin is the backend to Cutter now (instead of radare2 earlier) :slight_smile:


Sonic Robo Blast 2 (SRB2) is now in HaikuDepot, along with the game assets.

It is a 3D open-source Sonic the Hedgehog fangame built using a modified version of the Doom Legacy port of Doom. SRB2 is closely inspired by the original Sonic games from the Sega Genesis, and attempts to recreate the design in 3D. It features tons of levels, enemies, speed, and quite a lot of the fun that the original Sonic games provided.

If someone wants to make a Haiku-style icon for it, feel free to contribute one! I’ll open an issue for it soon. The issue for it is here: