WiFi for USB dongles with Ralink chips

Starting from hrev56231, Haiku nightlies have a new driver ralinkwifi.

The new driver is the result of the importation of these three different BSD drivers, rum, run & ural.

This is the first step and according to @waddlesplash, it needs more testing.

Not entirely sure if these are working as they were not really tested.
But they don’t seem to cause KDLs at least, so the worst that happens
is that the WiFi devices fail to work.

You can have a look at BSD man pages linked above to see if your device is one of those that are supported.

Please report any success and in the case it won’t work yet provide usual infos.

Please post bug reports on the bugtracker https://dev.haiku-os.org and not here…

edit: ralinkwifi isn’t new, the only thing that is new is the usb support.

And please report running/not running hardware on our hardware report entries:

Compatible wireless network adapters
Hardware List: Compatible wireless network adapters (extern) - Compatibility / Hardware - Haiku Community (haiku-os.org)

Hardware List for Haiku
Hardware List for Haiku - Compatibility / Hardware - Haiku Community (haiku-os.org)

Yes, I tested it with @nephele, on his hardware it starts and scans for networks but then triggers USB errors it doesn’t recover from. Maybe some of the other modules will work…

I think it is a bit early for that, the driver isn’t really marked finished. You might get a lot of bad data if you ask for it so quickly before the driver stabilizes : )

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