Why you use another os?

Many screenshots, and almost all screenshots are from third-party OS, the vast majority are from linux :thinking:

Which screenshots are you referring to? Most of the all the ones on the forum (and nearly the entirety of the ones on the main website and blog) are of Haiku, so far as I can see.

From various emulators for example :thinking:

It’s a nostalgia OS. Nothing wrong with that, but that’s reality.

Many people use emulators when working on or testing the OS. I use them myself while doing kernel development. Plus, given the web browser situation until very recently, it was easier to post such images from another OS than it was from Haiku. That may have now changed, however.

Nostalgia?! we’re building the future here.


It’s not reality! There are a number of people who use Haiku more than they use any other OS already, and the possibilities for that are growing, however slowly. The number of things I need which we do not yet have to do Haiku development exclusively on Haiku is shrinking as time goes on…


Windows came out in 1985. BeOS came out in the 90’s and Haiku came out in the early 2000s as an open source follow up. Why is Haiku a nostalgia OS and Windows not?


You mean from Haiku running in virtual machines, right? I can only speak for myself, but it is out of convenience. I do have a dedicated machine running Haiku on bare metal but often when my Linux workstation is already running I just fire up my Haiku VM to do some development or take screenshots. Also this way I can run several different versions of Haiku concurrently, that comes in quite handy when testing software.
Besides that, my dedicated Haiku machine had no network connection until support for USB wifi devices was added this year. And even earlier, Web+ struggled with the forum webpages, so I used to upload screenshots from Firefox on Linux.
You see, lot´s of reasons to use other OS (there are many more) but Haiku is improving steadily.


Yes, I wanted to say why not on hardware. So it turns out that many people need Linux on work issues.

I wanted to add about BeOS, Windows, modernity and convenience

If we read about the horror major software companies in BeOS times. Windows API, compared to the BeOS API…
Windows! (c) Jean-Louis Gasse’e :thinking:

And What a cool and clear network stack GUI Dano had… It’s generally the best to this days.

I’m someone who should be running Haiku absolutely everywhere… but really can’t.

  • Browser - We gotta improve here. This is my # 1 issue using daily
  • Drivers - Getting better. I have some 10GBit NIC’s which don’t work though
  • Hardware accelerated virtualization - Can’t run other OS’s under Haiku quickly.

Overall, a lot of things I could do via remote linux systems (kubernetes, docker, etc). However as a desktop focused operating system, the browser is generally the limiting factor.

For the server case… I just setup a NAS and it crossed my mind to use Haiku. However I need NFS server shares and software raid, neither of which we have today.

I think we need to substantially invest in our browser to make Haiku more viable for daily use. I can say this, but it also takes people to do the actual work. Webkit moves fast, and working on it as an un-upstreamed port makes work difficult.

As I type this, i’m preparing to boot into Haiku r1/beta4 rc0 to do some testing on my main workstation. Wish me luck! :sweat_smile:


Good luck!
Haiku r1/beta4 rc0 can be downloaded somewhere now? :slight_smile:

There is beta4 rc2 now

EDIT: Haiku R1/beta4, Release Candidates!

I still belive in Haiku as a developement OS and an OS for students and future programmers!

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Usually my screenshots are pictures taken from my phone because that’s the easiest way to get things out to the Internet from my Haiku machine. Really could do with some help on fixing the web browser to change that!


Really could do with some help on fixing the web browser to change that!

That is what I am talking about;
Everything should be done to make a Haiku-Developer happy!

So, most improvements should be focused on our Developers needs!
Github works with Web+
Gnome web not yet!

It isn’t a 1:1 replacement for MacOS for me, as I do need Logic Pro. But to simply have a single user system that doesn’t nag me and force me to register for things?


I use it for writing, by the way.

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Haiku’s crashes and spotty hardware support are my main reasons for sticking with Linux for now.

Same here. Web+ and several small browsers are improving rapidly, at least that’s my impression. I like Web+, Netsurf and Falkon.
But I can’t surf on two of my favorite web sites with Haiku yet. Both using Javascript heavily. (Thanks so far to all browser and Haiku devs so far anyway!)

Also I dare to say that every OS has its advantages and disadvantages. That means that even Windows and Linux have their really good aspects. And that Haiku has its downsides (of course!)

I mainly use my computers for:

  • Playing (actually remote-playing with Steam)
  • Translation purposes
  • Developing python apps for my needs

So it’s just good not needing windows at all (on my client side pcs)

For the first point it would be a nice welcome to have steam running smoothly under Haiku. For now, it sticks me using Linux.

For the second one, I’m mostly divided: web platforms like weblate pontoon transifex etc. Are easily used in Linux due to spellchecking functions integrated in system-wide browsers; local downloaded files can be used in Haiku, that’s why I’m writing my personal PO files editor with my handmade spellchecking function.

For the last point, I’m actually forced to use 32bit Haiku as there’s no python HaikuAPI modules for Haiku 64-bit. But hopefully I can still write python 2 apps (thoght it lacks a lot of modules for nowaday uses) on haiku 32bit.

These are my reasons to having Haiku(32bit) installed on a virtual machine.

Maybe the questions should be, why not? :wink: