What about ArtPaint?

Thought I’d look into translating it into Dutch, didn’t think it would work out on the first try! :slight_smile:

ArtPaint in Dutch on 32bit (build with gcc2):


@dsizzle as you can see I managed to build ArtPaint on 32bit (with gcc2), I’m not an artist so I can’t see the weird blackness you mention, maybe some tools that were used? Anyway, thanks on making this happen!

Kudos to you for the great work!

Yes… and the add-on effects on Haiku x64 work as well. :+1:


Sounds good - I think I want to solve this issue with the main window resize because it’s pretty terrible. You can’t ever make the window smaller once it’s expanded!

Very nice! I would avoid doing too much work on translation however - there’s an open ticket to migrate to the LocaleKit and I hope to work on that soon. Then we can open it up to Polyglot perhaps?


Wow, I didn’t realize what a popular tool this is! I’m glad to be able to contribute to the community.


Too late on that, PR got merged yesterday (was quite a big chunk) :wink:

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@Pete you might be happy to know that I have made progress on the alpha background! If you’re curious I am basically feeding in checkerboard colors instead of white to the rendering functions. It works well, mostly:

But the devil is going to be in the details. For example I have discovered this great sadness - the Intelligent Scissors see the background. :sob:


but - I feel like it’s close.


There are no hairbrush and gradient icons


I haven’t seen any of those icons before, but given the all black canvas i am guessing that’s the release version? I’m working on the HaikuArchives source and hope to do a new release after a few more fixes.

Dammit, I seem to be having weirdness again – I use to be able to clip parts of a post into my reply, but I can’t tonight! Anyway, Dale, thanks for working on the transparency problem (amongst everything else!). Glad to have somebody updating the beast.

I’m not sure why I can’t get motivated to contribute again :slightly_smiling_face:, I seem to spend most of the day reading the latest on Ukraine ATM :unamused:. There just seem to be too many hurdles to get back into things after slacking for a couple of years! I still have hope, though…

Hi again Dale. I think those icons are some ‘nicer’ ones that someone has been working on. I just got a couple of GitHub emails about them that correspond to new updates on the Archive. Not sure what 3DEyes post is about!

This is just an attempt to replace the gray icons with zumi icons.
If anyone is interested, I can do a PR on github.

It looks nice but maybe the two icons on top should be more similar? I would replace the first one by a green curved line.
The eraser is also a bit too wide, without the blue colour and the context; I would probably think that it’s a bandage. Perhaps adding a simple background would help; something like what’s done with the brush…

Almost all of these icons are taken unchanged from the @zuMi collection. I see no reason to modify them, they are already perfect in my opinion. The first two icons are chosen based on their functional purpose, and not on the basis of the similarity of the image to the original icons.


There is nothing wrong with grayscale icons, nowadays seems like a de-facto standard on any media related tool. I find Artpaint ones a little bit inconsistent with grey tone being the only thing in common.

Perhaps, this is a good opportunity to develop a simpler Haiku icon specification? Perhaps not a grey one but using less colors and complex parts.

The style of the haiku icons is as simple as possible, and has a small basic set of colors and gradients. The icons are very recognizable. What cannot be said for gray or black and white icons. With a large number of them, it is very difficult to find the right one.


I would like a mix of gray and colored icons. When a tool is selected it is colored, when not used it is gray or vice versa.

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This is unnecessary. Native applications should have an authentic behavior to system applications. In my opinion, there should be a unified style.