What about ArtPaint?

Well, at HaikuPorts the recipe for 2.1.1 is based on the source code at GitHub - HaikuArchives/ArtPaint: ArtPaint is a painting and image processing program.. It will surely be difficult for users to differenciate with the ArtPaint hosted at artpaint.

Could you use a different name? Otherwise we’ll have to change the name at HaikuPorts. Thanks!

You do not need to fear, haiku servers have priority as it seems.


Pete’s package is also not available on a repository server, now available from the site. And ArtPaint is ArtPaint.

I was pretty sure to get such an answer, but I tried anyway. Good luck!

This was not insulting or degrading, much more to draw attention to the one must look how to regulate the future. If someone has a newer (better be times out put before) version has, this should be synonymous under the same name to be found.

How, in your opinion, should such a package be called? Have already thought about it but I have come to no really meaningful solution.

The Debian way would be possible: add a suffix to the version.

Something like artpaint-2.1~haiku1 (or ~pete1 or …)

But we are a small team, it should be possible to collaborate on these things and have a single version around? Maybe let Pete commit directly to the ArtPaint git repo at HaikuArchives if he wants to take care of the software?


I would appreciate it more, if all available packages would be displayed, also double. Then the user can decide which version he wants to install.

To round off the whole would be great if in an additional column to the respective package the reference point, so repository server would be indicated.

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Sorry – there’s a misunderstanding here. The 2.1.2 is exactly from the current source at GitHub - HaikuArchives/ArtPaint: ArtPaint is a painting and image processing program.. I didn’t release it until the archive was updated. It’s just that HaikuPorts hasn’t quite caught up yet. When HaikuPorts has a 2.1.2 it will be indentical to my release.

The ArtPaint revision confusion should now be resolved. Humdinger has submitted the recipe for 2.1.2 to HaikuPorts, so I guess it should now get built and added to the depot. Many thanks, Humdinger!

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Ok i remove the ArtPaint package out of our repository server list.

Hi, sorry to revive this old thread - but does anyone monitor the ArtPaint repo? I made a pull request and I know all the devs are pretty busy with Haiku itself - wondering if anyone would have time to look at my ArtPaint changes if I hack on it some more?

Also there is an issue where it renders the canvas completely black on x86_64 - it seems to be related to some compile-time options in the code. If I compile with __INTEL__ it renders just fine. Wondering if anyone would still compile ArtPaint for PowerPC, and/or if Intel should be the default?


Hi Dale,
You seem to be hard to find an email address for! I got email that seemed to be diectly from you to me, until I noticed the return address was ‘discuss.haiku-os.org’! So I’ll just repost the response I typed up for email!

Yeah, I have to confess to slacking considerably on Haiku (and probably everything else!) for the past year or so. (:-/) I seem to have gotten into the habit of following my nose on the news, until I suddenly find it’s 4 O’Clock, and I haven’t stirred from my chair!
I think I’ve burnt out on Haiku rather – I still use almost nothing else, but if I need something new it’s a script, not a program. I did update some pages on my Website yesterday, but that’s the first time in a couple of years.

I did see your posts on ArtPaint, though, and I gather you fixed an important lack! If I have it right, you eliminated the ‘black selection area’ that cropped up due to some change in the OS a couple of years ago, by changing ‘POWERPC’ to ‘INTEL’. That’s been irritating the hell out of me since it happened!

I’m assuming that’s the same issue I have with the 32-bit version, where any selection goes completely black, rather than just an outline as it should be. If that simple change fixes it, it definitely should become the default, I think.
Would be nice to find out the basic reason eventually, though. I should buckle down and do some programming again (!), but meanwhile you might get in contact with Humdinger; I think he was the last to do any work on ArtPaint.


Usually it goes like this, some BeOS programs have code that looks like:

#ifdef __INTEL__
    // Do something for little endian machines
    // Do something for big endian machines

In this specific case I assume accessing the alpha byte in rgb_color, which will be in a different place in memory in each case (first or last byte of each word).

This worked fine on BeOS where only x86 and PowerPC architectures were available, but on Haiku, __INTEL__ is only defined for 32bit x86 systems. And so everything else ends up in the “else” case.

Ideally the code would be changed to actually use endiannsess check macros (for example the ones defined in ByteOrder.h,
B_HOST_IS_LENDIAN and B_HOST_IS_BENDIAN). Then the code will work on more architectures, not only 32 and 64bit x86, but also ARM, RISC-V, SPARC, etc.

A less intrusive patch would be to use something like #if __INTEL__ || __x86_64__. But then it will need to be adjusted again and again everytime a new CPU architecture is supported.


I’m glad to see you’re still about :slight_smile:. I had noticed your absence and was concerned you would not return! Welcome back!


yes, I think the problem here is that the layer rendering code is like:

#ifdef __POWERPC__
#elif __INTEL__

so if neither is defined it doesn’t handle the alpha at all.

I don’t think it would be a big deal to fix the places these are used to use endianness-macros.

haha, sorry, didn’t know it would ping you directly - I just meant for the post to show up here. Anyway, I’ve had an on-again-off-again relationship with Haiku myself. It happens that I’ve been working as an engineering manager for a few years now and finding that I really miss coding. Also I seem to have time to work on it lately too!

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Heh, yeah. It seems that because I started the thread, I get an email of every post! OK with me – in fact it was quite useful in this instance :grinning:

It’s aliiiivveeee…

Thanks to @korli and @humdinger for reviewing and landing my patches - ArtPaint is usable again - at least on 64-bit Haiku. Haven’t figured out the weird blackness in 32-bit selections.

Also this is built from source. Not sure how/when to update the HaikuDepot version?

I’m working on some of the layout API stuff and trying to figure out the weird main window resizing issues.

This really is a neat little paint package - landing somewhere on the spectrum between MS Paint and Photoshop. :smiley:


Great work! :ok_hand:


I second that!!!


Let us know when you think you have done enough work on it, and one of the haikuports maintainer can update the recipe for it or help you to do it.

Thanks for getting this working again!