Is anyone Interested in an upload of a WalterCon 2004 attendees introductions video?
Way back when, I was working with BeNews dot com(?) and went to the 2004 (very first) WalterCon in Columbus Ohio. I brought along my dad’s Digital8 video camera (as well as an Apple Newton Message Pad 2100 to compose my reporting; holy cow).
The start of the video is Michael Phipps revealing the new OS name (Haiku, of course). The video then moves on to everyone in the room doing an introduction (my idea, I think, and I’m not sure everyone was exactly excited for the idea but everyone went with it, so thank you for playing along).
I don’t know why I didn’t record anything else from the event. It’s unfortunate I didn’t, because I don’t remember anything. It was sort of a different life back then, for me, and considerable memory loss of the times.
I just dumped the video to Quicktime via Firewire on an older iMac. I watched it a few minutes ago and it has nothing of technical interest, it was TERRIBLY overexposed (I don’t know why; maybe that will make it compress better, ha ha), and the audio quality isn’t great either…
…but it’s also a tiny snapshot of the community during the transition from OpenBeOS to Haiku. Maybe it has nostalgia and community history value? I don’t know how many of the people in this video are even connected to the Haiku community any more. I know leadership changed a lot a few years later when I was… uh… absent.
Is there interest in having this uploaded to YouTube?
Are there any attendees who absolutely DON’T want to have their little intro uploaded to YouTube?
Have a simular situation, I got a coverage(*) from BG-12 in 2004 in German, not sure if people would appreciate I never published it somewhere (maybe it’s out there but I don’t know it yet)
Good question, previously we would have hosted it at haiku-files dot org but that is currently somewhat unavailable. And adding it directly in the Git repository may not be the best solution.
If you want to make it generally accessible, YouTube or maybe Vimeo would make sense. Most non TV and movies I watch these days is via YouTube to be honest.
Even though it was for joking sake, I still thought “Walter” was most excellent for the future renaming of OpenBeOS. I think with the community falling in love with it must have surprised the project leadership at the time
It was fun because it came from community humor, which brought some community cohesion. But ultimately, they made the right choice to not stick with a joke name
As a note to anyone who was there: if I said or did anything unkind or unsettling at WalterCon (or online around then), my apologies. I had been coerced onto psych drugs (which were changing my personality), and dealing with a shattered personal life around that time, so I was not quite myself.
I have so little memory of the time. Reading my notes on it, on the WayBack Machine archive of the ZetaNews page of my article, is so weird to me. Just that fact alone: I recalled being an editor on BeNews, not ZetaNews, until I found Eugenia’s post at OSNews linking to my article
Regardless, I recall having had a good time and my notes seem to indicate as much. I hope everyone from back then is doing well these days (I’m in better condition than I was then).
Sorry, my first comment was not clear: I was reacting to the BeGeistert video from @Begasus, not your about WalterCon.
I didn’t attend WalterCon.
I attended BeGeistert only, and only two times.
First time I came, I did a presentation of OpenBeOS booting to a shell, IIRC. Just to show that the team working on rewriting the BeOS kernel was not waporware. YellowTab’s ZetaOS was also there.
Second time, @PulkoMandy showed his LocaleKit and another GSoC (can’t remember his name, sorry) showed the progress of his WebKit port to Haiku, which was the first step of WebPositive.