Voting for Haiku, R1/Beta3 installer image

I supposed that Haiku team can easily do this because the team created that logo. Probably logo update process should be documented.

Personally I think that Humdinger’s one is also good, but it requires to be placed to left-top corner.


Humdinger’s is the only one that is decent. It is floating (meaning it is placed to high up, giving it the appearance of floating instead of resting on the natural base line), and in order to fix that it probably needs to be enlarged. That would probably require the whole window to be rearranged, otherwise the text on the right won’t fit. I don’t know if it can be made to work.

Both of these statements are incorrect.

The original logo was done by stubear (Stuart McCoy) and refined by stippi who was active on Haiku less than 6 month ago.

Also, we don’t need to change anything, and we do have the original files if we need to edit them, so what’s the problem?

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“We need competent coders so from now on we will have people submit multiple pull requests and run a contest with a vote on the forum to decide which one is the best”

This is a very silly way to run things.

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This would have been great commentary to provide over the last two weeks while we were collecting submissions vs waiting on the final vote.


I have already said it in the contests for system sounds and wallpapers (of which, btw, we have not integrated the results in the Haiku image).

I think it would have been great if there was a discussion before you took the executive decision to start a contest.

There were two weeks for discussion in the thread “literally about this” to raise concerns and issues.

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Where you had already decided that there was going to be a contest. You ignored the arguments for no change.

The discussion should have been among the developers if there should be a change, and if so how.

I reset the poll to include X512’s installer logo which is the R1/Beta2 logo with the 2 changed to a three. Please vote again if you voted previously.

Do you want to be the release coordinator? I’ve been donating roughly 20-30 hours a week to get R1/beta3 released.


I do not think it is the release coordinators task to make these kind of changes without support from the developers. I also think that it is wrong to let the community decide what is good design (@PulkoMandy made a good analogy for it), especially when there was nothing that needed to be fixed.

Ok… this is where I take the most offense to this whole thread.

I don’t understand people who get “pissed / upset” at someone donating their time and energy for free AND don’t offer to step up and help.

If you’re prepared to complain, please be prepared to step up and help.


I think you just ran out of arguments and chose to play the blaming card. Because you cannot mean that you are immune to criticism because you donated time?

I stepped up by argumenting that no change should be made. You just don’t like my opinion. There is nothing I can do about that.

Which we really should include. We have a nice and professional sounding sound theme with working boot sound, which would give a nice sound test and a nice impression.

I’ve received a lot of toxic comments and naysaying from organising the sound contest, but I still think it was worth it. If to bow down to all these naysayers all the time nothing good will ever happen.

We also have a lot of wallpapers from the contest but no one from the Haiku team can even curate a selection nor accept submissions. I think it’s easy for you guys to blame the organiser than fix your own disorganisation.

No personal/direct comments intended.


We (Haiku, not Haiku, Inc.) historically followed a community consensus model over a dictatorship. I honestly think it has hurt us in the long-run. It’s hard to get releases out since we need a bunch of developers in agreement. That generally means we really need a release before one happens.

I’m not sure what the solution is. Dictators are unreliable unless they’re full time. Relying loosely on the community means things like this thread happen.

Maybe we need some “Haiku development steering committee” or something… but then a group of unpaid people can’t force other unpaid people to do things lol.

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Just release a “Haiku Standard Edition” and a “Haiku Community Edition” with sounds, wallpapers and artworks of community, and no one have to be angry :pensive:

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I and probably many other people appreciated for your work on preparing for release and maintaining infrastructure.


heh. There has been a quiet/secret hope on the team over the years that a “distro” would pick up Haiku. (it’s why we keep the trademarks easily separable)

It just never happened outside of someone getting upset and doing a full fork (which all eventually die because maintaining a whole OS is hard for one person)

I don’t think about a “distro”, but just an edition with extra packages from the community.