Translations needed for upcoming 3rd party app release

This sounds like something for me.

Almost doesn’t fit the “3rd party app” premise of the thread title…

The wpa_supplicant, bundled with Haiku and fundamental for everyone using WLAN, got a small update. It grew a little :eye: Button that allows you to un/hide the entered password which letters are usually replaced by *-characters.

We will also allow WEP encryption, after a user recently mentioned that’s all their router allows. As long as the users are aware of WEP’s faults - the option is labeled “WEP - insecure encryption” - Haiku shouldn’t stand in their way.
That said, I don’t have a WEP capable router, so I wasn’t able to test if the build flag “CONFIG_WEP=y” is really all that’s needed to make it work.

These small changes come with a few new strings needing translations. Please head over to wpa_supplicant at Polyglot to help out.


CapitalBe, the premiere personal finance manager for BeOS, Zeta, and Haiku, is getting some new features and bug fixes, and it has been localized.

Please lend a hand with translations on Polyglot.

Much appreciated!


A quick bufix release for Clipdinger. If anyone wants fo finish a translation at Polyglot, do so before the weekend. Thanks very much!

BTW, the WPA_supplicant update mentioned above hasn’t seen many contributions yet. It would be nice to have as many translations at 100% as possible for the next Haiku beta5 release…


A new release of CapitalBe is on the way, more than 10 years after the last release. There has been lot of changes and improvements on functionality and stability, as well as a new filter feature and nice user guide by @humdinger.

These changes come with new language strings, so please take a look at Polyglot and help out with the missing translations.

We’re planning to release in about a week, and it would be nice to include as many languages as possible. Some are already complete (or almost complete), so if anyone’s able to help out it’s much appreciated!


It’s quite some time I translate this app but still I cannot show it in my language (friulian) should I open a ticket in haikuports?

Edit: Oh sorry… Reading carefully I noticed this:

Sorry :slight_smile:


I added a check for the old QuickLaunch location in the Shortcuts preferences that’ll pop up an alert with the option to launch the Shortcuts prefs so the user can update the path.
That’ll be removed once everyone can be assumed to be on the new release.
What will stay is a new button to open the Shortcuts preference as convenience in the Setup window.

That means, there are a few additional strings to translate. Translators, if you please:
QuickLaunch at Polyglot. Thank you!

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Also, I plan to update Clipdinger and CapitalBe shortly after Beta5 hits. No new strings, just enhancements and bugfixes. Just in case people want to get their translations finished…