TeamHaiku screaming ahead!

We definitely have a rapid pace now, and the team membership still grows!

We have a new member: zortness, and if I’m not mistaken, that is our very own Kurtis - Haiku website admin :smiley:

The production spread from position 38 to position 30 is pretty large, so I don’t think we’ll be claiming new positions nightly, but we will certainly be claiming them much faster with all this power we’re showing off!

As I said in a previous posting, the only teams crunching harder than us now are pretty much already in the top-10 - so we have an excellent opportunity to climb the ladder without much resistance.

heheh yep I hooked up a Dual Xeon the other day and it seems to have “sped” things along quite nicely :wink:

Sikosis wrote:
heheh yep I hooked up a Dual Xeon the other day and it seems to have "sped" things along quite nicely ;)

Yes, i see that you’re producing more power all of a sudden :wink:


I managed to get my boss to let me install the prog on one of our dual xeon hyperthreaded boxes with 4 gigs of ram, but then I forgot to install it on my system at home over the weekend, go figure.

I’ll see how many more boxes I can toss this on at work without it becoming a problem, but we have quite a few idle computers here.

Oh yea, almost forgot, there are already a few computers here at work and at my house donated to the Folding@Home project, so I can’t use ALL of them =P

kurtis wrote:

Oh yea, almost forgot, there are already a few computers here at work and at my house donated to the Folding@Home project, so I can’t use ALL of them =P

Are they going Here?

kurtis wrote:
I managed to get my boss to let me install the prog on one of our dual xeon hyperthreaded boxes with 4 gigs of ram, but then I forgot to install it on my system at home over the weekend, go figure.

I’ll see how many more boxes I can toss this on at work without it becoming a problem, but we have quite a few idle computers here.

Oh yea, almost forgot, there are already a few computers here at work and at my house donated to the Folding@Home project, so I can’t use ALL of them =P

What about the possibility of setting up an “official” “TeamHaiku Distributed Computing” forum here?

Minbari wrote:
Are they going Here?

they weren’t, but i will change the groups of those computers tonight

umccullough wrote:
What about the possibility of setting up an "official" "TeamHaiku Distributed Computing" forum here?

Ask and you shall receive …

we have our own category now :smiley:

Sikosis wrote:
umccullough wrote:
What about the possibility of setting up an "official" "TeamHaiku Distributed Computing" forum here?

Ask and you shall receive …

Yes, now we’re bigtime eh?

Hopefully the domain will be back up soon… then we’ll be all pro :smiley:

– Ok, so let’s get some official threads going for some of the other projects out there – Folding@Home, etc…


umccullough wrote:
The production spread from position 38 to position 30 is pretty large, so I don't think we'll be claiming new positions nightly, but we will certainly be claiming them much faster with all this power we're showing off!

Part of issue is that they are still producing unlike some of the previous teams. As of today, TeamHaiku will probably be 36 (isn’t official until 1AM EST). If we keep the pace we should hit 35 some time tomorrow.
I believe 34 and 33 can be achieved well with in a week.

In general, getting to 30 (currently a team not moving) won’t be a long trip. From 30 on up the gaps are much larger and will take considerable time.

Every effort counts and is appreciated even if you don’t have a Dual Xeon. In fact, it would be even better than ranking if TeamHaiku finds a prime (only 8 left). This could potentially happen at just about any time for any computer that completes a test. The more tests being done and completed, the better our chances.

Thank you to those giving us support!
(and our own forum!)

Hey I noticed this Dual Xeon machine is really only working at about 30% of it’s CPU speed …

is there something extra that needs to be tweaked to get full performance ?

Sikosis wrote:
Hey I noticed this Dual Xeon machine is really only working at about 30% of it's CPU speed ...

is there something extra that needs to be tweaked to get full performance ?

if it’s running Windows, read the readme.txt that comes in the SoB directory - it tells you how to set it up as a service (recommended, I use the -k option to have it restart every time I login)…and how to configure it for multiple CPUs (including HyperThreading!)

Each CPU will end up running a separate version of the SoB client - crunching a different k/n combination.

There’s also some funky stuff you may have to do in the registry to set up each cache setting…

My HyperThreaded P4 3.4ghz machine is running at 100% CPU and crunching just under 1.7 million cEMs/sec.

If you’re running it on BeOS/Zeta on the other hand, I can’t be of much help :frowning:

thanks for that … yeh unfortunately, I couldnt get BeOS to install on this machine, it didn’t like the SCSI controller/drives.

I’ve now set it up to run 4 clients and optimized them for HT.

Sikosis wrote:
thanks for that ... yeh unfortunately, I couldnt get BeOS to install on this machine, it didn't like the SCSI controller/drives.

I’ve now set it up to run 4 clients and optimized them for HT.

did you end up using the -o2 commandline option with the sobservice?

Sikosis wrote:
Hey I noticed this Dual Xeon machine is really only working at about 30% of it's CPU speed ...

I was wondering about that, sorry I didn’t say something.

umccullough wrote:
My HyperThreaded P4 3.4ghz machine is running at 100% CPU and crunching just under 1.7 million cEMs/sec.

What did you do?
I’ve read the readme files, but nothing seems to get my 3Ghz up to 100%.
What version of windows do you have? I only have the home version.

Katisu wrote:
What did you do? I've read the readme files, but nothing seems to get my 3Ghz up to 100%. What version of windows do you have? I only have the home version.

shouldn’t matter what version you’re running - SOB actually detects and runs on multiple processors on it’s own – but if you have any version of XP, you should see 2 processor graphs in the “Task Manager” if you have HT turned on.

Here’s some steps:

First with the client running, configure it how you want it (don’t select auto-start with windows btw - I also recommend “low” priority rather than “normal” - trust me) Now CLOSE down the client before doing the next steps.

Next, from a commandline run sobservice -i in the SB directory (to install the service)

Then run sobservice -o2 (this detects CPU count/affinity using SB’s built in logic and sets the number of “cache” registry entries that it will start up with)

I also recommend running sobservice -k to have it restart each client when a new user logs in - this way the icons re-appear in the system tray for each visual indication of what’s going on (otherwise it’s just running under the “SYSTEM” context with no indication that it’s running other than a slow machine)

Then you can go into your services and “start” the service (right-click on my computer, go to “manage” and locate “Seventeen or Bust” in the list of services there)

It should automatically start up one client for each logical processor… and you’ll see each processor graph in the task manager running at 100% :smiley:

now you can go into your registry and see the various cache keys it’s created for each k/n combination:


hopefully that does it for you

umccullough wrote:
Next, from a commandline run sobservice -i in the SB directory (to install the service)

That would be part of the problem. I found where I misunderstood the directions.
Got it going, we’ll see if my rate actually goes higher.

yep … I did the -i to install, then -p:4 for the number and then a -o2

I can see its now using all the CPUs when I look at taskmgr … I just don’t know when it’s updating or getting new blocks.

Sikosis wrote:
yep ... I did the -i to install, then -p:4 for the number and then a -o2

I can see its now using all the CPUs when I look at taskmgr … I just don’t know when it’s updating or getting new blocks.

run the -k (and restart the service) – then you’ll see 4 “17” icons in your system tray :smiley: – you can click on each to open the client GUI, and then click the “x” to minimize them to the tray again.