[solved] Lenovo g50-70, support for haiku

I checked the entry for Lenovo G50-70 on BeSly website… There is no comment if things work or not
For VESA, it is mentioned as ‘No’

Does this mean Haiku does not work on G50-70?
Or, if there are no negative remarks, does it mean Haiku works on G50-70?

I plan to install it on this laptop…just wanted to be sure…
If some body can confirm that it works, Sunday is for this task…

Looks like it came with 2 different graphics cards.

AMD Radeon R5 M230 2GB
Intel® HD Graphics 4400

15.6" HD (1366 x 768) display

The Radeon may not, the Intel, probably, but that’s all I can guess at, maybe someone else has one of these cards working(?).

Please tell me how to understand the data on Besly website…laptop and accessories mentioned, but no specific information that they are working or not on Haiku

If in doubt, just try to install it. The information in the hardware database might be outdated for the current version of Haiku.

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kinda off-topic but still related. Is there a way to upload hardware specs and compatibilities so that devs can see what is running out in the wild?

The BeSly hardware database is the reference: Haiku Hardware Database

Devs don’t really need this, if the hardware works, we don’t really need to worry about it, and if it doesn’t work, please submit bugreports at dev.haiku-os.org :slight_smile:

But it is useful for users looking for a Haiku machine or looking if Haiku is compatible with their machine before attempting an install.

Installed beta2 from an old CD, on this laptop…ok…
Without changing to nightly branch, i started upgrade…it downloaded some packages, later man different language packs of install guide
I aborted the upgrade
I remembered pulkomandy had written earlier that this will be fixed in beta 3…
I changed the mirro to reflect beta3 and started upgrading…but now, it complains intel wifi firmwares needed is not provided by anyone…
Also webkit and another pkg
If I say ignore, it says nothing to do
Now, stuck at beta 2 unable to upgrade
Pl. Suggest how to upgrade to current

Haiku ports resource failed it says

It looks like you’ve set the wrong URL for the HaikuPorts repository.
The following addresses are correct if you want to upgrade to Beta 3:
Haiku: https://eu.hpkg.haiku-os.org/haiku/r1beta3/x86_64/current
HaikuPorts: https://eu.hpkg.haiku-os.org/haikuports/master/x86_64/current
Notice that it’s r1beta3 in the Haiku URL but master in the HaikuPorts URL,because there aren’t version-specific HaikuPorts repos anymore.
That has been changed about one or two years ago.

Cant I upgrade directly to beta4?

Beta 3 also I cannot upgrade…it says cmd:tar>=1.34 needed

I just want to upgrade to hrev57135, latest on website…how to do it?

Felt lazy to download the lightest nightly, flash a USB and install…beta2 CD I had made 3years back

Thought I would upgrade from beta 2 only…i am now in a mess…

Use the following URLs for the Haiku repository:
R1Beta4: https://eu.hpkg.haiku-os.org/haiku/r1beta4/x86_64/current
Latest nightly: https://eu.hpkg.haiku-os.org/haiku/master/x86_64/current
Choose which one you want to use,both should work.
Make sure to disable the old Haiku R1Beta2 repository first.
Then run pkgman upgrade in the terminal.
The HaikuPorts URL is always the one I posted above.

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I have disabled beta2 repo, enabled only current…yet does not work

The failed dependencies come from HaikuPorts repo, which is not listed in your screenshot. As nipos said earlier, you have to add the appropriate URL, though the install page says upgrading from before beta3 is unsupported.

I have removed the repo, added the repo, from terminal and haikudepot…many times
Nothing works

Keeps complaining of haiku webkit 1.9, intel wifi firmware…

In R1/Beta2, haiku forums are not at all displayed in webpositive