Simplified Colors preferences in Appearance

I wanted to try it in a VM and downloaded the x64 testbuild iso but the panel is the same as usual.
I guess I will have to wait…

It’s still in review at
If you’re set up to build Haiku from source, you can check out the patch and build the new Appearance prefs.

Oh I know they update the UI in real time, I meant it’d be cool if that while you adjused the primary ones, the automatic secondary ones updated in response as you did it, so you could see the full effect on the UI on the fly, and then tweak the secondary ones after the fact if desired.

Hi here, i dont read whole discusion here but i think more important than play with colors is Sunset Night Light settings. its a challenge to program this feature i use it on windows 8 tablet when is night.

i found something Set your display for night time in Windows - Microsoft Support

How hard would it be to include BeOS (Classic & Dano), Zeta, and Gonx themes as options in the Look and Feel section for Decorator and ControlLook?

Yes… that’s what this already does.

Oh sweet :slight_smile: My bad!