RSS Feed

Hey guys, I know it was suggested somewhere, but I went ahead and attempted to make an RSS feed that people could leetch off of. It’s cached every 10 minutes. You can find it here:

I want to know if I did it right first before I post a link to it on the front page, so feel free to comment on it, as this is a new subject for me.


it doesn’t work here. I use Net News Wire Lite 1.0.8 on Mac OS X. The feed’s name is “untitled source”, and now items were shown.

The reader says me: “Can’t display news for this subscription because:The RSS feed for could not be found”.

What’s the right URL for the feed?


schlesi wrote:

it doesn’t work here. I use Net News Wire Lite 1.0.8 on Mac OS X. The feed’s name is “untitled source”, and now items were shown.

The reader says me: “Can’t display news for this subscription because:The RSS feed for could not be found”.

What’s the right URL for the feed?


RSS has so many versions and variations… but the URL is good, it returns data… I did notice that the <channel> tag is misspelled as <chanel> though… that could be causing a problem.

Nice Kurtis.

Yeh I think that misspelling is the problem.

Just tried the feed with FeedReader and it said it wasn’t a valid feed.


I found a nifty page to validate RSS feeds:

Sweet! That’s going on my Mozilla Webdeveloper toolbar’s custom validator.

sweet, thanks Urias, that’s just what I needed =)

kurtis wrote:
sweet, thanks Urias, that's just what I needed =)

No problem, can’t wait till it’s working - then i won’t have to manually check the website every hour or so for news !

Now, if there was an RSS feed for the forums… :wink:

kurtis wrote:
sweet, thanks Urias, that's just what I needed =)

Yes! it works!!!

My RSS reader stretches the logo vertically though - looks like you put the wrong height and width on the logo (reversed I suspect)

umccullough wrote:
kurtis wrote:
sweet, thanks Urias, that's just what I needed =)

No problem, can’t wait till it’s working - then i won’t have to manually check the website every hour or so for news !

Now, if there was an RSS feed for the forums… :wink:

Oh…there IS a feed for the forums in there…crappy though, my RSS reader doesn’t separate the channels properly - they’re all mixed into a single feed.

According to that validator, it doesn’t look like rss feeds are supposed to have multiple channels… strange

Hm, I may have to seperate the channels into seperate feeds… Let me know if this way works… if not, I’ll make 3 sepearate feeds, no big deal.

kurtis wrote:
Hm, I may have to seperate the channels into seperate feeds... Let me know if this way works... if not, I'll make 3 sepearate feeds, no big deal.

Yeah, multiple channels seem to be screwing up my aggregator pretty bad…

3 separate feeds would be nice anyway, that way people could only subscribe to the ones they want (i.e. some people probably don’t want all the forum posts to show up in their feed, or they may want different feeds to be checked at different intervals, etc.)

PS: Don’t forget to fix the logo height/width

How about seeing can you get the feed onto the Technology section of NewsNow (

Isn’t the channel tag supposed to hold the description of the feed, but end before the items? I don’t think it is meant to contain the bulk of the document in the way that <body> </body> does in HTML.
Am I wrong?

I really have no idea… I just started looking this stuff up like 2 days ago, and I was going off of the extremely vague documentation at harvard.

And, I’ll go fix the logo right now=P.

h_ank wrote:
Isn't the channel tag supposed to hold the description of the feed, but end before the items? I don't think it is meant to contain the bulk of the document in the way that <body> </body> does in HTML. Am I wrong?

From what I can tell looking at other samples, <channel></channel> is the container for all the items - I personally never really looked at the spec myself…

umccullough wrote:
h_ank wrote:
Isn't the channel tag supposed to hold the description of the feed, but end before the items? I don't think it is meant to contain the bulk of the document in the way that <body> </body> does in HTML. Am I wrong?

From what I can tell looking at other samples, <channel></channel> is the container for all the items - I personally never really looked at the spec myself…

There’s some decent spec info at that freevalidator site:

Yea, that’s an exact replica of the harvard docs
no biggie though

here’s the seperate feeds:

needless to say, the news is the default

let me know if it works right =P

kurtis wrote:
Yea, that's an exact replica of the harvard docs no biggie though

here’s the seperate feeds:

needless to say, the news is the default

let me know if it works right =P

They all seem to work - the forum feed doesn’t display much of anything in my aggregator and actually is quite confusing… i’ll have to try some other tools to see if I can get anything decent out of that.