RSS Feed

Yes, they work for me. Great!


Now there’s a problem with the RSS-feeds. All three feeds are giving the content of


doh, i’ll look at it when i get back from lunch

k, fixed… it was a GET var prob

but the dates in NetNewsWire are all 1 Jan 1970


It must not be parsing the dates right… I know I’m using the right date format because I read it in the RSS documentation =)

if you look at the xml for the pages, you can see the pubDate’s and stuff are all current:
<pubDate>Tue, 27 Jul 2004 23:42:38 PST</pubDate>

This could be an order problem;
I’ve noticed in the rss that the &lt;pubDate&gt; element for each &lt;item&gt; comes before the &lt;author&gt; one; Checking through some RSS2.0 sites, they have author before pubDate.
Though nothing in the spec mentions order, I presume since it’s xml, it’ll want correct order

I hope this is problem. - if not, :roll:

Firefox doesn’t seem to be able to pick up the RSS feeds. :expressionless:

yeh I noticed that … I’m sure Kurtis will fix that when he gets the chance.

It’s a nice feature in FF those smart links (aka RSS).


i have it working in firefox on my comp… hmmm…

Hey, there’s some mysterious problem with the feeds. Thunderbird’s RSS reader doesn’t seem to display new items anymore, and opening the RSS URL in Firefox gives this parsing error (which seems quite odd anyway, as &eacute; ain’t that exotic entity at all):

XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
Line Number 31, Column 21:
In the last weeks, J&eacute;r&ocirc;me Duval has worked...
mortee wrote:
Hey, there's some mysterious problem with the feeds. Thunderbird's RSS reader doesn't seem to display new items anymore, and opening the RSS URL in Firefox gives this parsing error (which seems quite odd anyway, as &eacute; ain't that exotic entity at all): complains about it as well… I see this crop up on other RSS feeds occasionally when someone introduces extended characters to a newsitem (maybe a codepage problem?):


hm, i’ll work on it when i get back from class…

it just doesn’t seem to like the
characters for some reason…

any ideas for a fix? (other than just replacing those chars with ascii letters)

kurtis wrote:
it just doesn't seem to like the &eacute; and &ocirc; characters for some reason...

any ideas for a fix? (other than just replacing those chars with ascii letters)

did you include this DTD fragment in your DTD ?

international characters are included in it.

ok, I know pretty much zero about xml, but I managed to read a little bit, but now I have to leave for class… I see that the &<letters>; entities are undefined in xml, so the dtd’s are used to define them…

but for the life of me I can’t get the xml doc to correctly include/import the dtd, and I was trying to follow the example on the site =/

Funnily enough, to cure this problem you have to convert & into &amp;
It’s an xml issue, it only has a few entities available to it, so &anything causes problems.

so &eacute; would go to &amp;eacute; or you could just get the script to convert it to an e.

re, this is a DTD for xhtml, not for rss.

To fix the feed, you should remove the <!DOCTYPE xhtml, and the <xhtml> tag

ok, there we go… thx beta that fixed it


Are the News Feeds still working after the downtime?
the Mozilla Thunderbird won’t download them…
