Re: GeoLocation UK Block

After reading the thread on:

Georestriction of the UK

With Myself, from the UK. Long-Time fan as per forum account.

This decision pisses me off. Why should any development board be censored?

What could they actually sue you for? As long as you have normal moderation in place, you just delete the evidence before it’s seen. Outside conspiracies a screenshot of some boobs? If that’s too offensive, nuke it and if they ever come knocking you can just say “what?”.

Seriously, don’t geolock, otherwise I’m going elsewhere. I have some cool idea’s with Haiku and time to time watch the development board. It helps to learn. You really want to surrender a learning resource to a phony law?


It’s your countries law, object to your MP.

It’s so badly written that it absolutely can apply to this forum; and enforcement has been granted to an exceptionally dodgy organisation (Ofcom)

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Right. Yeah, how’s that going for you? When has that EVER work.

Please tell putin to gtfo out of ukraine for me.

I don’t live in a country that puts absolute crap on the statute books. It appears you do.

Again: complain to your MP.

And what if I had?

Seriously? This topic is 5 minutes old, and while I was composing my response you are already flinging insults?

This doesn’t seem to go anywhere.
Insults really aren’t welcome on this forum.

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Also worth noting the resolution of that thread, which was somewhat different than the original post indicated: [Notice] Georestriction of the UK - #113 by kallisti5

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It should be noted that even discourse (the forum software we run) is struggling with this law.

See New OfCom Rules - #3 by HAWK - Support - Discourse Meta

It’s not “just us”. With that said I support the actions of Waddlesplash locking this thread. It isn’t productive.

Complain to your MP’s, not us. As soon as we have confirmation that “15k users” counts as what the OSA calls “small sites” that don’t have to worry about the OSA as much… I think this whole thing can be laid to rest.

The OSA doesn’t define what a medium to large site is… that’s why were here.

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