First. This is not a political post.
We want to keep things on topic on how we as an organization are going to deal with a new legal and financial risk to Haiku, Inc.
Debate on government policy should be directed at your local representatives and not in this thread (or in this forum). We will be hiding / removing any venting or frustration replies. We’re all frustrated, and it’s not helpful.
I’m starting with the tldr; Haiku, Inc. risks getting sued if we continue to offer this forum to users in the UK after March 16, 2025 due to the UK’s Online Safety Act.
While Haiku, Inc. is a US not-for-profit company, with services hosted outside the UK, we risk a lawsuit in the UK if we continue to offer community services to users of this country.
Communities all over the internet are facing a similar problem. ( for example).
I’m going to quote’s analysis which sums it up well.
Sites are required to produce lengthy documentation about their features, practices, and risks - both up-front and as they moderate. Attempting to understand which sections apply and how to comply would be a huge project. Doing so correctly would require legal advice we can’t afford. The cost in time and money to implement the bureaucratic processes it demands also outstrip a hobbyist forum.
The risks of not complying properly with these laws are “civil penalties up to $22 million USD, and potential criminal penalties”. While the community moderates this forum well, and we have general guidelines on what is and isn’t acceptable, the law seems to require extensive ongoing documentation which we don’t have the resources to manage indefinitely.
We’re going to be Geoblocking users from the UK before March 16th, 2025 to community engagement platforms until we find a better solution. This is not a permanent block of UK users if better solutions are found to reasonably manage the requirements of the UK’s OSA.
Package repositories will not be impacted, nor will the website. Gerrit and Haiku Depot may be impacted in the near future as we get a grasp of scope.
Update: @win8linux found some awesome additional resources supporting our (and’s) reading of the OSA. Check them out: [Notice] Georestriction of the UK - #41 by win8linux
Update: Guardian article on the OSA