Post your Haiku screenshot!

Good day,

Looks like we should change the Topic from “Post your Haiku screenshot” to “Oldtimer’s Haiku Screenshot”… :wink: Looks we are quite a few over 50… which are the second 30s… Are they not? :rofl:

@Begasus … retired… how did you do that!!! :scream: :scream: Here not possible until 67… and rising… :older_man:



Heh, maybe i should post something.


3 posts were split to a new topic: rEFind theme

What’s going on with the blue leaf there? Why is it positioned a bit different then on the other screenshots? On the bottom side 2 cuts are visible, while usually it’s just one cut. The same leaf positioning can be observed on the SamuraiCrow’s screenshot here: Post your Haiku screenshot! - #399 by SamuraiCrow.

There are many ways to modify deskbar appearance, if you know where are handles and how to drag them but, none of them is modifying the leave or its position. I guess that the contrast makes contour more visible.

Haiku 64 Bit on iMac 27" 2017

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The leaf placement is a bit different depending on the font size you use. Since this is a 4K display with a large font size, the leaf fits entirely in the larger button.

I’d say it’s a UI bug, and the leaf icon should look the same regardless of the font size. (And I would prefer it to be fully visible at all times, but that’s a different topic from another thread with no consensus on it).

my latest.


my latest.


@janking, I’m delighted you continously find new background images, but do you have to post them all here? Have you considered creating an account at some online service that allows creating galleries and just post a link to it?

Unfortunately, it shows that a-book doesn’t really like themes. It is looking bad on most of these colour schemes, mainly because of insufficient contrast on that light grey (fixed colour?) and on day’s bar above.

I`ll post them to Facebook to.

Here we are, after four years of inactivity, trying out Beta 5.
It’s been a long time since Beta 3!


What is that replicant at the lower left corner of the screen?

Looks like Tipster if I’m not mistaken.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Janking screenshots

Ah, right! Thank you!


32GiB and 24 cores at 3.8 GHz, you have a real beast of a computer! :fire:


Hey, thank you! It’s a couple of years old now but it really does the job well. I initially bought it for gaming purposes, but now it’s doing wonders in my research job; we do heavy machine learning stuff and it comes in handy.

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