Port of Gnome Web (Epiphany)

i have no luck
I tried with “big H” and only with “H” but nothing


That’s what I wrote on the midjourney prompt to make a simple haiku distinguish by the operating system logo, hoping it would catch the logo, but it was useless all the same…
But he seems to recognize what the haiku logo is, look at one of the gnomes who has an orange flaming leaf in his hand… it’s just one of the haiku leaves…

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Feel free to check your theory here:


Haiku gnome goes super Saiyan


What’s a guy doing with a calm night (2am here), tea & cake, and a desire to learn Inkscape?


Boring, crude? maybe. Recognizable? You tell me :slight_smile:

Full disclaimer, I think the surfing gnome is great! I just wanted to try my VERY inexperienced hand at something more or less Haiku-esque…



Do you do this icon on Haiku with Inkscape?

Can you make a little tutorial about it for our knowledge base?


Has anyone tried the firefox sync feature? I get the following message after entering the firefox login:

(:3316): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: 17:53:27.604: Failed to create file monitor for /boot/home/config/settings/glib-2.0/settings/keyfile: Unable to find default local file monitor type

(epiphany:1471): epiphany-WARNING **: 17:53:40.856: Failed to store sync secrets: Cannot spawn a message bus when AT_SECURE is set

I’ve tried to upgrade system, but that didn’t help. Maybe someone know and can share some workaround for this error?

That part hasn’t been ported yet. Or if it has, it isn’t debugged. This is not the place for bug reports though, the Haiku port of Gnome Web is hosted on GitHub so the bug tracker for it is at Issues · haikuports/haikuports · GitHub and be sure to mention Epihpany at the beginning of your issue. HaikuPorts hosts loads of different programs and patches to build them with.

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Apparently the problem was on the gstreamer side. Update and try again.


I would like to report Whatsapp Web fails to run properly and crashes Gnome Web for Haiku. Most websites and web apps from social networks and IMs such as facebook, instagram, discord, currently work properly in my daily usage but whatsapp web either crashes after less than a minute of interacting with its features or freezes while trying to load new messages when opened after hours without using it and never opens again. I have not saved a crash plain text file but i may do it if requested so the mantainers do not have to test the app.

Thank you for the work.

Just in case it would be nice if you could try to replicate the issue on a linux distro. I have seen sometimes that this massive “Web Apps” trend to rely heavily on features that are only available on the very latest builds of Google Chrome.

I cannot install a linux distro at the moment (i’m permanently moving all my workflow to haiku and do not have another machine), but i understand this may be related to blink and unrelated to gtkwebkit on Haiku. Thanks for helping, we now have some extra info for those who may be interested in looking into it, either users or developers.

So, regarding the port of Web. Do we know if there is a documented way to change the keyboard shortcuts related to tab navigation? Defaults conflict with Tracker app switching.

Alt+Tab works for me in Epiphany for tab switching. Check that you use latest version of wayland_server package.

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At last, I was able to test ‘Web’ after updating my older nightly to latest one, just yesterday. So I can see what are you talking about.

For me Web is clearly a game changer. It’s the first time in years I could visit all the websites I usually check and more. Web banking also works. Simple and nice UI even if not integrating fully with the rest of the system.
It was also the first time I could do a full investigation for a subject: searching, following links, opening/closing tabs, searching again, going back and forth e.t.c. That usage scenario was never possible for me either on Web Positive or Otter, to the best of my knowledge. Long delays, crashes, sites that were not opening…could never complete it.

If Web remains stable and well performing, just as it does right now, then, for me, the browser issue in Haiku is solved. And that allows Haiku to become a daily driver for lot of people. I love Haiku and all its philosophy but I am also a pragmatist. We need people using the OS and getting exposed to its unique features. That will bring more people and developers i think. It’s not native? OK, I would prefer it but frankly, if it’s what it takes to have a more complete and usable system then let it be, happy with it.

For me, browser is only an aspect of the system which I really need to do the tasks I am used to. And in the process enjoy all the rest that Haiku has to offer.

As they say, my 2 cents :slight_smile:

Sorry, forgot, many thanks to all the people involved to make that port possible and well performing, meaning also work on Haiku subsystems this is based on, great work !!


I’m on Win10 now, but the file opens just fine on Haiku+Inkscape.

I could do a howto but I don’t have the confidence, it was literally tweaking knobs until something passable came out. Need way more practice before teaching others.

Also, for popular ported software like Inkscape, the web is full of tutorials… :slight_smile:

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Latest update:


I think webkit-gtk: enable gstreamer webrtc, disable experimental features · haikuports/haikuports@1d572ff · GitHub tried to enable WebRTC, but I still see it figuring as disabled. The RTCPeerConnection is still not there