Not sure if this has been answered, but is there a functioning word processor for Haiku OS?

I have two laptops and my windows laptop is on it’s last leg, and my other laptop I installed Haiku on (just as like a messing around computer)is pretty much going to be my backup. However, I need a functioning word processor if I am to use the laptop for college, otherwise I guess I’m stuck in the computer lab, which is fine, but less convenient.

Your best bet is probably K-Office.

Not sure if it works un HPKG (nightly builds), but should work on Alpha 4.1 release.

You could always try using the latest nightly and from there, start using Documents (part of Google Docs) inside Web+. Google Docs has the following advantages, if you can get it to work on your computer:

  • It’s a Web application – you can always access your work from any computer that has a modern browser with HTML5 support
  • It’s Word compatible – just click Save As with a Word (.doc/docx) format, and fix a few lines on the pages from a comp lab PC with Word on it. Other than that, it shouldn’t have much more trouble.
  • It’s up-to-date – KOffice on Haiku isn’t actively developed; Google Docs is, and should be a much better solution for typing and submitting your work. And because others can collaborate, you can send links to yourself or others to avoid using a flash drive.

Good luck with everything. Hope this helps.

[quote=codewrangler]Your best bet is probably K-Office.

Not sure if it works un HPKG (nightly builds), but should work on Alpha 4.1 release.[/quote]

The Haikuware page you’ve referenced has comments on the bottom of it, with some of them saying that the KOffice package worked on Haiku Alpha2 but not anything after Alpha2. One comment hints that the package would work (eventually?) on Alpha4, but another comment discounts it. Some of the comments are old.

BTW: a few of the files on the Haikuware site must be expanded/installed with the PackageInstaller utility from bygone days.

I read somewhere on this site recently that OpenJDK (for which an acceptable word processor ostensibly could be found) is broken relative to the latest nightlies. I don’t know if such is the case for sure - and haven’t checked on it personally.

Seemingly, this is a really great opportunity for someone to write a built-from-the-ground-up native Haiku word processor that wouldn’t require the bloat of Qt, and wouldn’t have troubles with dependencies such as dbus.

I suppose the Lyx source could be compiled on Haiku (The Lyx source ( is configurable for Qt or for plain X). Maybe the Lyx source could be weaned away from Qt or X, and built as a native Haiku app. There’s definitely a void in the application space for productivity tools, and it’s ripe for a nice piece of work. Sorry to have such bad news. If you’re a programmer, you could make a great contribution here! If not, then for the time being you might use an on-line word processor.

Some of the Haikuware files are 7zip archives. Those archives must be expanded with

The Abiword port on Haikuware seemingly is (according to the comments) broken for Haiku Alpha 3 and 4. I think this might result from the idea it was originally ported for the bone, and its X implementation.

The KOffice entry on Wiki says that the KOffice site disappeared in 2013. I guess everybody’s using OpenOffice. That app (OpenOffice) would be a monster to port to Haiku, even though it’s written mostly in C++ (and that would be the correct Haiku theme).

There’s golden opportunity here methinks for an app coder to make a nice contribution!

WARNING! Shameless self-promotion ahead!

My app Rondel is not, alas, a word processor. it is a text editor with delusions of grandeur. But if you are comfortable with Markdown it may work for you.

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ThinkFree Office 4.0 repack:

Gobe runs very smooth on Haiku, even if it’s from 2001. With a little work, it also integrates nicely with Haikus Package Management. Your best bet would be to grab a copy of ZETA from ebay which includes a licensed version of Gobe.

ThinkFree Office 4.0

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3deyes - does thinkfree office work with PM? I haven’t tried since alpha 4.

I was thinking it would be neat to make an hpkg that installs it for you.

ThinkFree office works so well on haiku and is compatible with even very complex word and excel documents, I am considering actually paying for it. Has anyone tried a registered version on haiku?

Cheers :slight_smile:

Michel - Rondel looks nice, I will also give that a try.

[quote=Munchausen]3deyes - does thinkfree office work with PM? I haven’t tried since alpha 4.

I was thinking it would be neat to make an hpkg that installs it for you.

ThinkFree office works so well on haiku and is compatible with even very complex word and excel documents, I am considering actually paying for it. Has anyone tried a registered version on haiku?

Cheers :)[/quote]

BTW, still very keen on getting qupzilla fixes and qt5… will they be available soon? If qupzilla is working I can really switch to haiku, it is still very crashy here. I can help with making hpkgs.


kim1963, do you mind if I mirror that file?

kim1963 - you should add a recipe to haikuporter, this would be awesome!

Hi Kim! I installed the ThinkFree hpkg, and the openJDK, but I get the following error:

~/config/apps/ThinkFree Office 4.0> 'ThinkFree Office Calc 4' 
STARTUP:[-Xms128m -Xmx512m -Dtfo.premium.edition=false -Dtf.retail.distribution=true -Dtfo.debug=false]
~/config/apps/ThinkFree Office 4.0> /bin/sh: /boot/system/lib/x86/openjdk/jre/bin/ThinkFree Office: No such file or directory

I missed something?
Thank you!

install - /boot/system/packages

I can also recommend this package – muCommander

Hi Kim!
I try using install <ThinkFreeOffice.hpkg> /boot/system/packages

and now, I see the package in /boot/system/packages

However, I dont see Think Free Office in
/boot/system/lib/x86/openjdk/jre/bin (and the folder is “read only”).

How I can copy it?

Thank you!

Register Types - work ?