No, I'm not Haiku lead developer | Haiku Project

I have not used this blog in a while, except for the monthly activity report. But it's time for a clarificaiton.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

He he, good move

next move : Who are the leader and who reply the question

Not the leader… but one of the most active developer these times. So it counts what you have to say. That’s it…

Thanks so much for your work and your support!


There is no leader.


This is the way.

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Leaders are over rated. Can you believe it Haiku made it all these years since it was just OpenTracker with no official leaders?

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Indeed. This community has always been a group effort with no leader. From someone who watched Haiku spring up from OpenBeOS and the void left by the collapse of Be Inc., this has been the way since the days of OpenTracker. I remember you being there. It’s good to see you still around. Dang, I miss the Tycom BeShare server.

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This is the way.

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I see we have at least two mandalorians in this community.

I see the Mandalorian script is inspired from Haiku community.

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Well, we do have a growing OS to guard.