New video by Action Retro about Haiku

New video


It was a nice little video taking a $79 laptop and installing Haiku on it after trading the built in wifi card for an M.2 drive. He also goes through the process of setting up booting using efi which will be handy for several people. In the end it lacked trackpad, sound, and computing power (Celeron system,) but he was very enthused that he could do as much with such meager hardware. And yes he played MineCraft on it using a hacked version. Entertaining video indeed.


Think it’s safe to say that we finally have a Haiku YouTuber. :smile:


This video showed me Haiku and I fell in love with the idea and now I’m here! :smiley:


Welcome to the show


The latest video, where he uses only Haiku for a week:


Funny how the touch screen works on this new ThinkPad but not the touch pad. I would expect the opposite. Not a big deal though, touch pad is useless anyway, and even more so on a ThinkPad that has this mini-joystick.


I hope he tries to put Haiku onto that PowerPC mac at some point - I think from a perspective of reducing e-waste, these machines might still be entirely usable for some tasks, considering the rather low resource usage that Haiku has. Think light web browsing, writing documents, managing photos…once it does get to the stability point it would be exactly the right OS for a “grandmother” OS (the constant changes in Windows etc. have shown to be a significant issue for elderly ime).

My replicants are telling me that Haiku is using around 50-70% CPU while playing that video, and somewhere between 5-20% when writing this post (mostly, around 5-10% with some spikes), and not more than 5% when idle. Sidenote: The Apple keynote introducing “On Wallpaper widgets” as a “new innovation in sonoma” is extremly hilarious considering BeOS already had such a thing (Replicants) planned all those years ago…

(He also mentions Haiku in this video, where he tries to run BeOS on a PowerPC:


Most PowerPC mac computers don’t have enough RAM to use Haiku, or only barely meet the minimum.

Our PowerPC port is also not really working at the moment.

As a side note: old Macintosh computers would be nice to focus on, but intel ones. Sooner or later their OS support will drop and having Haiku as a replacement would be quite awesome.


Haven’t the MorphOS community slurped up as many PowerBooks as are around?

For that, someone should work on Haiku version for PPC.
Actually noone works on it – or if yes, then doing it very secretly, without published results.

The one member here who started to work on it recently … unfortunately had to pause for not known period as their life situation has changed.

Haha, this image kept about browsing as lighweight from the time of '90s.
Actually there’s no light browsing. Browsers, especially the more used ones uses the most processor and memory resorces, especially as we use them in multitab opened way.

On an older PC I could not play a 720p video in it - e.g. on Youtube, as the processour could not served out video playing in browser.
So I downloaded the video, and menawhile launched the playing in VLC I used to shutdown a browser. The CPU and 2GB DDR2 RAM was not enogh to smooth playing of 720p video, even the browser was in background.
The most browsers are really resurce - hungry - if not - then not all functions works in them what nowadays used by normal users - in browser. Think about ad-blocking, db that stores the settings, the cookies as works, etc …
So I can say only one light browsing, if you use it offline, to see your picture gallery or checkout some html docs. This my opinion about light browsing.

You could have an cca. 100% CPU usage even in Web+ if you would visit some new sites that heavy lift for its engine actually.
I have to careful simetimes if I select a DucDuckGo search result as some page freeze Haiku itself not only Web+ when I click on it.
I thought kill Web+ , but after CTRL+ALT+DEL nothing happened about a 25-30 secs, I streched my arm to reach the Peacemaker (Power button) as Harry to “make my day!” on my PC, when the page finally loaded and right after that the ProcessMonitor as well.
However to scroll down took also 15-20 secs, meanwhile I have a 3rd Gen i7 Extreme and 32GB RAM. :smiley:

I think the retro Mac community slurp up way more to be honest. I don’t really know of anyone but you that even talks about MorphOS on any forum or online community I read. It’s all Linux and MacOS.

I think he has BeOS for PowerPC shenanigans. I want to get him the unofficial R5.x release so he can try that out. He used my BeOS R5 image to get his first PowerPC success video.

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The one member here who started to work on it recently … unfortunately had to pause for not known period as their life situation has changed.

Ah, that’s sad. Don’t think there’s that much incentive to do so nowadays anyways…as they said in that old film, RISC is the future (Although, considering the amount of SBCs out there, it may just be ARM) :wink:

Browsers, especially the more used ones uses the most processor and memory resorces, especially as we use them in multitab opened way.

I tend to think of “light web browsing” more in the terms of only visiting maybe a few news sites and watching the occasional video, or quickly googling something - although google has gotten worse over the years… You’re right though, modern browsers (and websites) tend to be resource hogs. Also the modern web pages are far more resource intensive than they need to be. As you mentioned, advertisement is a big part of it, alongside with the chain of things it implies (Cookies, AdBlock, heavy tracking, javascript, javascript again, have I mentioned javascript? I think I forgot to mention javascript). Funny enough, ever since I installed a PiHole in my network, the browsing experience has become a lot better - except for those AdBlock-Blockers and that whole can of worms…

Plus, I don’t think the big players (MS, Apple, Google) have any interest on alternative browsers like Web+ achieving any significant kind of adoption.

I want to get him the unofficial R5.x release so he can try that out. He used my BeOS R5 image to get his first PowerPC success video.

That would be pretty cool.

Unrelated to ActionRetro, but it seems that another huge YouTuber (a base of ~100k subscribers and most of videos hits > 100k views usually) is going to do a “trying out haiku” video


Oh, she is good. She recently went full time so maybe there will be a series.

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6 posts were split to a new topic: MorphOS port to x86-64

There is a new hungarian video aswell about Haiku:

The Tux logo refers to the name of the channel.


It is full of mistakes and factual errors tho. He says he spent weeks testing Haiku but he fails to show any non-standard gui or OS feature (tab handling, window snapping, live query, packaged fs, etc).

I would say he talks a lot, but he says almost nothing, i belive the text is generated using an AI.