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I would like to see a “Haiku Bible” and/or a new “Programing the Haiku Operating System” books. Heck, I wouldn’t mind seeing a Haiku oriented yab book.


14 posts were split to a new topic: NaviTracker, tree view of filesystem

The first one Andrea and I are now thinking about. The second is above my pay grade. But the third … It’s a bit dated now, but enjoy! Smashwords – Programming with yab


Good news! I understand about the second, but I’m hoping someone will put one together. I don’t know if now would be the time to do it, though, or wait until it’s closer to R1.

After a bit of searching, I did find your book! I’m reading through it now.

Please make it happen. It would be brilliant!

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Genio IDE integrates the Python LSP server for a more efficient and complete development experience.


Hopefully Ruby will get the same sort of love one day.

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If you mean in Genio then we already have syntax highlighting for it and if you know a LSP server that works in Haiku it could be added quite easily.

By any chance would it be possible to have some sort of UI listing the available LSP servers from HaikuPorts, allowing people to just install what they need in lieu of bundling them in (or as hard deps)? IIRC Debugger can ask for packages to be downloaded from HaikuDepot, so there’s prolly a way to do this in theory.

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I’ve been using/testing python-lsp-server for quite a while on Haiku (via CudaText), so I’m happy to see Genio getting support for it!.

Just a note:

We currently do not provide .hpkg packages for python-lsp-server, thou. It works just fine installing it via:

pip3 install python-lsp-server

(pip3 install --user python-lsp-server works as well, if you prefer it that way).

As it is a “pure-Python” package, I see no real need/urge to get a .recipe for it (I tend to do so only for Python packages that need compiling/patching, or that are hard build/runtime dependencies of some other package).

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Let’s interview Nexus6H!

Andrea interviewed Nexus6H, who is a big fan of Haiku and believes that .NET might be a valid alternative to C++ to write native applications for Haiku. Nexus6H uses Genio, a native and modern IDE for Haiku, to develop his projects. He hopes that Haiku will attract more and more developers and users in the future.


I think it would be great to have a number of bindings of programming languages to the Haiku API. I’d probably be interested in dabbling in Swift for example.

Apparently Swift has had some form of C++ interop from 5.9 onwards:

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C++ support in Swift is still incomplete. AFAIK, C++ classes are currently treated as value types and must have a copy constructor otherwise are not visible from the Swift side.

The xz_utils-5.6.1-1 CVE incident led to swift action in Haiku development, including upgrading to xz_utils-5.6.1-2, showcasing dedication to platform security and stability.


@michel Clasquin-Johnson has just released his hundredth video on Haiku, creating a veritable encyclopedia of information on the operating system. His work is essential for the growth of the community.


I really like that aspect of your website that put some lights on people who are not always known from average user. Some are indeed not very active on the forum, perhaps too busy working in the shadow.


Exclusive interview with Tara Harris, a molecular biologist and passionate programmer bringing SolveSpace to Haiku!

Learn about her journey and hopes for Haiku’s future.
A must-read! Let’s interview Tara! – Desktop On Fire!


I really enjoy and appreciate your interviews! I think they are very useful for the community. Please keep up the good work !


Its great to see another cppfront enthusiast that is also a Haiku enthusiast :grin:. The tech stack described in the linked article matches my thoughts as well.