I like the icon
How about Redleaves - refers to “red” fox; Haiku’s “red leaves” in its icon; it also sounds like “read”; and includes “leaves” as in “web pages”;. Putting it all together: “I red (read) lots of leaves (web pages) today with Haiku’s (redfox) browser”. Tech humour - gotta love it.
FireFox was initially called Phoenix…then FireBird and finally its current name. Then later, I started using the 64-bit version of the FireFox fork in my Windows OS’es: WaterFox.
So why not choose AirFox or EarthFox (maintaining the elemental naming scheme). Just an idea…
In the theme:
Leafox (Leaffox)
Oh no, that thread where everyone invents a name for a web browser that doesn’t exist yet
We already had one of these for picking the WebPositive name, back in 2009. Maybe some of the names suggested there can still be useful?
Yeah that was inevitable. Suggesting random names is so much easier than developing/porting a web browser…
And we have alreay logo-proposals aswell
Foxy browser
Seemonkey? Lol
Hikky Monkey
Where was that WebPositive naming thread?
Seeing “Kitsune” there gave me the idea of suggesting “Kitsunebi”, which means fox-fire. It has the elemental motif, related to foxes and ties in with the japanese origins of haikus.
That’s almost great, but it’s a bit too long IMO. Ideally, the chosen name would be two syllables (like Firefox) or less. Maybe three syllables long at most (like BeZilla)? Then again, NetPositive and WebPositive.
hm very hard quest to find name
i vote for one of geckon from nintendoooo world:
Glydon browser
Goomba browser !!!
Yoshi browser
Absolutely not, given Nintendo’s very litigious reputation.
i agree, this was only for unstressing, nintendo have copyright for their items
More like stressing, then.
IMHO, the name is not that importante, people look more at the icon. If the icon is good enough, and get associated with the “browsey” nature of the software, most people will just look for and click at the icon / shortcut.
Imitating WebPositive and NetPositive:
webfoxpositive or netfoxpositive
Y’all go with what you want. I’m gonna call it “Banana Browser” or “Badger Browser”.
foxtailer, from “foxtail”
foxglover, from “foxglove”
foxsledger, from “fox-sedge”
All plants, most with leaves, so references both Firefox and Haiku.