Marknote port

I’ve finally found some time to try it but I get these errors.

any advice?

Try to see if installing kirigami_addons fixes it?

EDIT, I see it’s listed as requirement, so should be installed.

Checking …

already installed, kirigami was installed but kirigami6 was not. After installing it, I just get

qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/marknote/qml/Main.qml: module "org.kde.desktop" is not installed

Check if qqc2_desktop_style6 is installed?
EDIT: if that works I’ll push a revbump for the missing requirements.

Yes, it does!

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Thanks on reporting! These are not pure dependencies (build), but needed for runtime.

no problem! Just one more thing, is there a way to enable a dark theme?
We should probably move somewhere else, another thread or IRC maybe?

You can flag the post with „something else“ and ask for it to be moved.

Anyhow, qt apps should follow the system colors.

Done on IRC, for now I use color-schemes I grabbed from the net.

Thanks for moving, Qt apps mostly use system colors, KDE has with the new frameworks another way to handle this, looking to see if I can override that like in KDevelop.

iirc if the app expects a „theme“ for determing if the system is in dark mode it will literally search for the string „Dark“ in the theme name. Perhaps as a compatibility the theme name Haiku can be reported as „Haiku-Dark“ to qt when a dark contrast is used for B_DOCUMENT_COLOR (webkit uses the same check)

Not sure how that works, I know for kdevelop I only had to disable one line to disable the color-schemes and let it use the system-colors, that works, so I presume there is some fallback in the haiku.theme?

Might need to make changes to the Haiku QPA for dark mode, since this is the source of truth for Qt platform theming.

If the application uses the colors as is then there is nothing to be done (also for the properly ported Haiku icons for the icon theme)

This only becomes a problem when apps add or replace colors and try to heuristically determine if the OS is in dark mode