Manuskript available for Haiku

Good day,

@donn, it is indeed a BApplication. While on the Awesome tutorial I didn´t use the BApplication, the Manuskript work is an evolved version of that, using the BApplication class. When the whole process is finished will post the step-by-step guide again with all the acquired knowledge for others to use, and the whole code available, of course.

@PulkoMandy, I will take a look at the xicon sourcecode as you point out. @donn @PulkoMandy, in my ignorance, what I was thinking to try is instead of a BApplication(void), have it like BApplication(filename) - pseudo code:

Call BApplication(python filename to launch)
    if filename == null
          just launch the BApplication wrapper
          pass the filename to the BApplication and launch "python3 filename"

though I haven´t got into that yet. Most likely will do this weekend if get Haiku time slot. I need to figure out how to do that, as @donn noted, and check what @PulkoMandy pointed.

while process outcome != success
    me = keep working
   me = happy
   move to next task

Thanks both and those who replied here with hints on how to get this “far”. Hopefully will be finished soon.
