Mail server for Haiku & BeOS fans

If you want to show your love for Haiku, use our free mail server at - supports SSL but does not require it so it works on older mail clients. If you have any questions just PM me!


Thanks,I love it :heart_eyes:
I already registered and tried it out and it works perfectly fine.
The software you use is also a perfect fit,because it looks a bit oldschool,but it’s still actively maintained.
And the page makes zero third-party requests - No ads,no trackers,no bullshit :tada:
Connecting with Beam also works like a charm,and I can read incoming emails perfectly fine.
Sending doesn’t work here,neither in the web interface nor using Beam,but that’s probably to prevent spam and needs manual approval?

Now I finally have something I can recommend to people when some non-standard big-tech crap (coughGmailcough) doesn’t work with Beam or the preinstalled Mail application.

I have some small suggestions for things that don’t really look right…

  • At online users,I can see the reverse DNS hostname of all users who are currently online.I don’t think I should see that.And I wouldn’t be happy if other people saw mine,if I wasn’t connected over Tor.That’s private information that should better be hidden.
  • At Advanced,there is a User list where I can see all registered users.Well,this is a email service,not a social network,so I also don’t think I should be able to see a full list of all registered users.Only the admins should see that.Maybe make the public list opt-in,if that’s possible.
  • The page lacks a Privacy policy and Imprint.Maybe Imprint isn’t required for you,I don’t know US laws so good,but a GDPR privacy policy is always required if you have users in the EU,and other countrys have similar rules.You can easily create one using those free privacy policy generators.

I’m struggling to find the IMAP and/or POP3 details so I can add this to my email programs on other OS’s. Are those available or is this supposed to be web interface only?

This is a citadel instance, you should be able to access it via imap and smtp

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Just tried it, in Thunderbird you just need the mail address and the password, the following setting are autodetected:

imap: 993 SSL/TLS
smtp: 465 SSL/TLS


Thanks, ubu. That’s what I needed in MacOS Mail.

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Can you enable language support other than us_US on the Citaldel Server (de_DE in my case)

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great, finally a native privacy-first Haiku mail address:)

Just a note on the web interface: I got a “weird server reply” in WebPositive when trying to edit/change my profile picture:

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Where do the funds for the maintenance of this server come from? As the old saying goes: if you aren’t paying for the product, you probably are the product.


You sure this is a good idea? You know what happens to people who own services like, gangstalked and aprehended.

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There was a Be themed email service back then in ~2001. bemail or something similar. Consider to make a Be/Haiku inspired theme for this.


Thanks for the kind words! I will look into your suggestions. Yes the sending of mail requires approval to help prevent people signing up and spamming out. Will get you approved shortly!


Will check on that!

Ya the web interface can be wonky, I have support requests pending. But as this is mainly for imap/pop/smtp that doesn’t effect most use.

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For now I am covering it myself, but I do accept donations if people want to help out. I assure you I am not data mining or doing something else shady.


Interesting! I know the web interface is getting a remake and it might be more amenable to modding.

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Note: To get internet sending rights you need to sign up at BeOS & Haiku Email/Hotline Account Creation Landing Page - this is to prevent spammers using the service and there is a option to get the services free when checking out. Note that all the users listed here have already been added…


Thanks for pointing me at that. In case y’all didn’t scroll to the bottom of that page, it ends with these words:

Best of all, the Citadel project pledges never to let entryists ruin its code of conduct. We know that social justice warriors destroy everything they touch.

The link goes to a “code of conduct” that further states,

We don’t care about your skin color, your gender, or any of a thousand other things people use to make themselves look like victims in an otherwise polite society.

Just in case anyone here cares what kind of people make the software we use.


They seem to have a very nice stance there. Let´s hope the software keeps growing and motivates more people to be like them.

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The kind of people who use chat-gpt ™ to make their copy? I understood the words individually but not the meaning of them in that formation…