LibreOffice for Haiku, a not-so-short story | Haiku Project

As many of you are already aware, LibreOffice is now available on Haiku. This has been a long journey that has started for me around 2014, when I was looking for things I could do for the project. LibreOffice port was one of those things. It seemed to need so much effort, most people didn’t even want to start. That’s understandable given people were busy developing the OS. However, it’s not the first time someone tried to do it.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

A huge thank you cannot be stated enough for those that ported LO6 to Haiku! It’s nothing short of incredible! Thank you for the port, (and for the story)! :smiley:


I`m glad to see that note. Thank you :+1:


Thank you KapiX

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Thank you :slight_smile:

Thank you for your effort and for sharing your experience!

Such stories reveal the benefits of healthy collaboration among projects, teams, people and tools. Great to see such huge projects can be accomplished.

Haiku becomes a very tempting OS for application coders.

Thank you guys. Incredible work by all parts.

Really amazing work and a nice write-up too!

Still waiting for an .hpkg.

…short story indeed… but long way to get success!
Great work…
Incredible endurance…
Great story
Thank you!!!

Nice, juicy details. Thanks for all the hard work! :smiley: I hope a 32-bit release will happen rather sooner than later. But no pressure. :innocent:

@bbjimmy LibreOffice is available in the 64 but Haiku Depot.


@bbjimmy LibreOffice is available in the 64 but Haiku Depot.

That’s nice for those with a 64bit cpu. All of mine are 32 bit.

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I feel your pain. I’m on 32 bit, too,

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As a regular LibreOffice user and a hobbyist Haiku user looking for an excuse to turn Haiku into my ‘productivity’ OS, this port is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for all the effort, and hopefully this marks just the beginning of LibreOffice development for Haiku.

I love to see libreoffice on haiku. Good work. Keep on working on it, so i would be stable and the most importand app of haiku :grinning:

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Great. Does the FAQ need to be updated?

Please open a new thread/ticket for your question…

LibreOffice is now available for 32-bit builds.


great news … thanks @KapiX