Lazarus 1.9 trunk Qt4 and Qt5 interface (screenshots)

Today I tried out FPCUPdeluxe to build fpc and lazarus (on 32bit), worked fine! :ok_hand:




Wonderful! good news.

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I have tried to install trunk version 32 bits and finalized with errors.
Now i have clean fpcupdirectory and created a new one.
Installed gdb, git-svn and now trying again.
That time with stable version and with qt5-dev.

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Created a draft PR at haikuports for this, still a wip but should be able to install and finish a build.


Good day @Begasus,

Fpcupdeluxe 64 bit also builds and installs Lazarus and Freepascal. Tested this week and installed to a custom dir, though not sure if Lazarus is using Haikuportsā€™ Freepascal or the installed one through fpcupdeluxe.

Great news you got it working. I have to try that one and see if it deals with Cudatext without issues.
Wish Haiku had some sort of podman/toolbox a la Fedora Silverblue to have different testing environmentsā€¦ I think Iā€™ll have to make a VM to do a clean test.

Great work!!!

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Hello @roiredxsoto looking at the preferences from Lazarus itā€™s using the one that is build together with fpc in fpcupdeluxe :slight_smile:
Happy hunting :slight_smile:

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A thread example from lazarus running fine :slight_smile:



Ouch, that font rendering is hideous.

I thought it was this bug Fonts in the qt IDE are broken with qt 5.14 (#36483) Ā· Issues Ā· FPC / Lazarus / Lazarus Ā· GitLab but it was fixed almost 2 years ago.

Havenā€™t really looked at the fonts, but it didnā€™t hurt me :stuck_out_tongue:

Does it work with Iinconsolata, Source Code Pro or Fira Code?

Not sure, only tried to get it running, any link(s) to them?

FiraCode is in haiku depot

It ought to look okay with Noto Sans Mono (itā€™s a proper monospaced font after all). I doubt installing another font would (or should) make a difference.

Played a bit with the fonts now (default was Noto Sans Display), installing other fonts work too.




FPCUPdeluxe 2.2.0e is now available in the depot for 32bit and 64bit.
Run it from Deskbar, not from Terminal (from Terminal it will try to run from /system/bin but it needs r/w support hence itā€™s installed in ~/config/non-packaged/bin as FPCUPdeluxe :slight_smile:

With FPCUPdeluxe you can build your own FPC/Lazarus binaries


Used it to build CudaText in the past days:



Nice! Any news debugger wise yet?

Nope :frowning: Havenā€™t really looked into that though, not enough skills for that :slight_smile:

Hopefully someone will pick this as task thoughā€¦ :wink:

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The tools are there, now anyone can build their own environment for FPC/Lazarus :slight_smile: