Okay - so I’m spent a couple of hours and I managed to get the sound to work using the sb16 driver in BeIA. I have had no luck getting the networking to start, as the device seems to be dead set on using ppp. I’ll probably need to dig in to the startup scripts to work out where the networking is kicked off. I think if I can get it to switch, it should work. The NE2000 driver exist in PCem and works with R5.03.
As an aside, I dug up my old R4.5 disc and pulled off a bunch of apps. It’s a bit hit or miss, but a lot of them seem to more or less work. Minesweeper, BeLogo, Mandlebrot, Chart, FlightSim al seem to run. I got DiskProbe to work too. The issue is mainly missing symbols though. None of the pref panes work, which scuppers using them to configure the networking. I might install R4.5 in PCem and compare the file systems to see where it stores the networking prefs, other that the network and Network_Prefs files in config under Home.