Ideas to maybe replace the blue leaf

No, don’t change a thing! The things you might omit, are probably the very things that people don’t soon discover on their own. It’s the right size.

It’s great to have this and put it where people will find it. I’m just talking about the idea that you can decide when they need to read it. Sure, first second would be the most logical time, but by a simple logic that neglects a lot of how people operate.

OK, it’s #18871

Yeah, interpreted languages like shell and python are deceptively convenient. Like, “hey, that was easy!” and then at some very awkward point in the development cycle … “oops.”

I ment the code review tool. : )

But a ticket is fine, I‘ll fix this at some point then. Thanks

100% my policy. I went from computer geek to born-again-user and doing good design for usability is all about empathizing with non-computer geeks.

GPU? I can’t even get Haiku installed on old machines because a 90s machine can’t boot from USB and a 2008 machine crashes on the boot loader’s first dot. :man_shrugging:t4:

What is that, anyway? Looks kinda like a paper shredder.

Well, I boot Haiku on modern machines, so I don’t have this problem. Even wi-fi just works.

Hide it only for that period of time, yes, but if one of us who is familiar with Haiku wants to skip it and closes Net+, that hidden state should then immediately turn off.

A bikeshed​​

I think this is… foreign to me. I’ve never seen one. But I don’t live in a major urban metropolitan environment.


I don’t have a modern PC, if one from 2008 isn’t acceptable (I’ve also seen lots of complaints with very new PCs being unsupported, and I figured I’d be safer with the one that already runs BeOS and Haiku Alpha 3).

My only motivation to get a new PC at this point is gaming, but I’ve found I can game in Bootcamp on my iMac acceptably, so… until I’ve played all the games I can play on it and move to an Apple Silicon machine, this is what I have for hobbyist OS faffing.

This is a reference to the term bikeshedding, which for software means people will argue over unimportant stuff to no end.

Maybe that is not the best definition, if you look for it on the web you can find many more elaborate definitions anyhow. : )


Thank you! I’ve seen people refer to this several times in this thread, and I figured it was some sort of Web lingo, but I have never encountered it previously.

The bikeshed comes from this imaginary story:

A company is building some complex thing (a nuclear power plant or something). Engineers and architects talk about various things related to the cooling, the nuclear reactor, the turbines, and all that goes without problems. But then, comes the meeting about the bike shed on the parking lot. Suddenly, everyone has an opinion about the color of the bikeshed. Not ju#t the architect, but also the engineers, the management, and everyone else.

This happens because, finally, it is a topic that is much simpler than the other things, and everyone can have a somewoat “informed” opinion on it. So, when building that power plant, a lot of time will be spent deciding the color of the bike shed, possibly more than on way more important parts of the project.

This is what’s happening with the deskbar leaf here. There is notqing particularly wrong about it, except people have opinions about it, some thinkeit should be kept, others think it should be replaced. It won’t change a lot about how Haiku looks and feels, yet, hundreds of people had to say wqat they think about it.


Thanks for the detailed context!! This is probably why I’ve not encountered it before: I don’t spend much time in the engineering world.

The quoted part above reminds me of how expertise is treated with disregard or outright hostility in the USA, and how opinions have been elevated to the same level as facts and expert analysis. It’s not that topics are accessible to more people; the culture has walked on eggshells for “sincerely held belief” so long that it’s “rude” to disregard unqualified people or challenge inexpert or even absurd notions.

Back to Haiku, I’ve expressed my opinion on it, and I think a number of people here have made valid points. Some of the ideas seem small enough to experiment with in a beta and maybe do a poll, but I’m not doing the work, so :man_shrugging:t4:

I remember when there was a community poll to decide the new NAME of this OS. I still have my beloved WalterCon t-shirt. I think the name and artwork was VERY well-chosen, other than the Deskbar button and slim “feather” leaves :smile:

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But it seems that the leaf problem is finally solved: most people think the current logo good enough, and people who don’t like it can finally change it (if deskbar: allow loading custom icons · augiedoggie/haiku@88553b3 · GitHub is merged into the Haiku repo).


I pushed a newer version to a different branch. No changes in functionality from the previous one, just slightly better code. I’m still not totally happy with the way the code looks but it works perfectly fine.


If you have used Linux Mint, upon first boot you’ve seen this welcome screen. BeOS had a similar approach that used NetPositive to launch a local welcome webpage that walked you through first steps. I know we are still in beta but something like this popping up on first boot would be instrumental in acclimating new users to the BeOS / Haiku way.

This could incorporate @waddlesplash 's Appearance pref rework and @humdinger 's Quick Tour page. It could also point to setting the proper time / date / zone and network pref for example.


BeOS had a similar approach that used NetPositive to launch a local welcome webpage that walked you through first steps.

It seems we have got a watertight case for opening Quick Guide on the first boot.

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As a fellow “I always thought it was a feather clipped by a bug in sizing/positioning” person, I wonder if it can be changed the to good old rocket icon, or some variation of it. Since that UI element is used to “launch” things.

Of course not my call, but even though I know that it is a feather, every time I die up Haiku in a VM, my brain still defaults to “feather clipped due to a bug.”