HiQDock ... New Dock coming soon

There is no problem at libsolv level for doing this. The problem is mainly for users: having many “bin” and “lib” directories, separate for all packages, just seem confusing.

I would say this is an acceptable limitation of Haiku package management: it is first designed for native applications, which usually have few dependencies, and use the OS shipped BeAPI which has a stable ABI. In this context, separating the package is not required, because the problem doesn’t exist as much.

But then people decided to write their apps in Qt instead of using the native API, or started porting things without thinking about dependencies. And they bring the Linux problems on Haiku. Personally it is not something I am interested in fixing. Write and use native apps :smiley: !

In this specific case, it’s not so much library hell. All needed packages would be installable just fine (you’d need libqt4 and openssl10). However, both of these have been removed from haikuports, who apparently doesn’t care so much about keeping old Qt apps running. This is not a library hell problem, it is people at haikuports deciding to not care for forward compatibility with old Qt versions.


Having one dust-yard of all package files is much more confusing: it is hard to know what file belongs to what package. This is one of significant shortcomings of Linux distros to my opinion. It is not just confusing, it also cause file collisions making some package combinations unusable.

It is also relevant to native applications because Haiku itself depends on 3-rd party libraries that often breaks API compatibility such as ICU and OpenSSL.

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But they are wrapped into stable-ABI libs.

If native apps use the Locale Kit and BSecureSocket (and the work-in-progress Crypto Kit), they can have a stable ABI that allows to access these libraries.


Yes, but can cause troubles to applications that directly use ICU, OpenSSL etc so it will conflict with system libraries.


I just added the 64bit repo. I can see it listed as in HaikuDepot. I can see Haiku Depot check it for updates. But, none of the software from this repo shows up in Haiku Depo.

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HiQDock must be updated to QT5. There are some errors which I cannot fix, only the developer. He is already informed and knows the problem. Please be patient until a version comes out.

Regards lorglas

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Thank you. Does that apply to all the software in that depot? Just to be clear, I have nothing from his depot in Haiku Depot. If that is the way it is supposed to be at the moment, that’s ok.

no, only hiqdock has a problem. the other apps in the repo has no problem.

Ok then, I have a problem then. I have added the repo but none of the apps are there. Like none…

Cancel that, it just made a liar out of me.

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I do not think that you are a liar, the question is that is the different between your and our system. I have no problem with the besly 64bit repo.

  • Have you add our repo with: pkgman add-repo Software ?
  • Can you download packages directly from our repo website: https://software.besly.de ?
  • if you can download from our website, the packages are installed correctly?
  • we have a bug tracker on our repo site. Be free to register and add a bug report.

Regards lelldorin


@lelldorin Sorry for the confustion. By “…made a liar out of me.” What I meant was that I now have all the software from your repo listed. What ever the issue was it cleared up on it’s own. I have installed a number of your programs and I am enjoying them a lot. I really want to dig into Yab. I need to find a tutoral on that. The last time I did any kind of programming was in Amiga Basic sometime around 1990… so it’s been a lonngggg time. But I am excited to learn it.

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Take a Look at our knowledge base https://www.besly.de. we are happy to help and get new developers with yab.

Oh i see that my newest yab tutorial is not on the new besly website.


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@lelldorin Thanks I will check that out. I have looked at some of the demo apps and it looks pretty straight forward. I can read and understand the code in those, so I guess there is hope for this old man.

It is not so complicated

Hi - I tried to start porting (re-compiling) my HiQDock code on a recent nightly to use Qt5 (instead of the current binary which is built for Qt4).

Unfortunately it didn’t go so well and will require a lot more time. (The reason is that it uses a lot of QML and QML-to-Qt-C++ communications - and a lot has changed between Qt4 and Qt5 in this area)>

Currently I just want to try to get the currently compiled binary to run correctly on a recently nightly. The Qt4 package dependency provided by @lorglas has issues.

I have an old 64bit VM or Haiku (hrev53806) where everything works fine. So I’m trying to copy all the Qt4 lib dependencies from that VM and see if I can get it to run properly on a recent nightly.

So my question is how can I get a list of all the dependencies (all the libQt*4.so, etc) that are needed for my binary. ( I started doing it manually and got about 6 dependencies working, but I’m afraid there will be a bunch more)

E.g. When I try to run the binary, I get errors like this:
Cannot open libQt* needed by libQ*

Of course I’m happy to hear other ideas to get the current Qt4 binary running on a recent nightly

Thank you Haiku Devs and Community


objdump -x /here/is/your/binary | grep NEEDED

But be warned, libs can depend on other libs too (use the same command but with the lib full path to find the dependencies.)


You should use a more stable API, like the BeAPI. :smile: