HELP WANTED: R1/beta5 boot & hardware testing!

Does it matter? Should work with lower caps too!

This part is the label given to the ESP partition. It totally depends on the first system that was installed and created it. Sometimes it contains caps, sometimes not, sometimes it doesn’t even have a label.
So, it’s difficult to give precise instructions that will work for everyone.


@brunobastardi Again, it depends of the system installed. In most cases, the ESP is of FAT type and that file system is indeed not case sensitive. But once the system started, the partition label often becomes the mountpoint name and so goes with the rules of the host file system.
Note also that it can happen that other file systems are used for ESP even if its not frequent.

Hi; thanks – I am away at the moment, but will make a note to come back to this or somebody else can make a PR to the Haiku website repo to fix these instructions.

Tried in an old emachines D520 (Celeron T1600), doesn’t boot

“EFIBOOT” is in all-caps everywhere in the command bloc.

That worked for me, but if you try to install Windows 11 after, the system partition with EFIBOOT on it is with 64MiB to small to install Windows 11, should be bigger, I tried 200MiB and I could install Windows 11 then, but not sure if it works with refind after install!?