I just found out that the HaikuDepot name is based on the name for the BeOS server that provided software registration and updates, BeDepot. At the time, there was no “app store” for finding and installing software: instead, sites could add a special link that would open an installer called SoftwareValet which would find and install specified software.
HaikuDepot is fine, but I can see why people might get confused at first. I myself was a bit lost on the first 20min of use or so
Nowadays, the “store” concept is widely used in all types of OS: we have Google’s Play Store, Apple’s AppStore, Microsoft Store, Steam store etc. The idea of catering to the world with an already known concept seems appealing indeed, but at the same time “losing to the establishment” feels somewhat wrong doesn’t it?
I think there’s a simpler way: A dialog/assistant on 1st boot that points the user on the right track. This is the Tracker, it does this and that. This is your home folder. This is HaikuDepot where you can get new software.
I do actually have a couple of user “welcome” experiences/improvements in mind, just need to get them down on paper and refine them before proposing them to the Haiku community.
A store is a place where you buy things. In HaikuDepot, everything is available for free. You see this can’t work
If you want the whole history of names, the app to install and update packages in BeOS was called SoftwareValet. Which I don’t think is a much better name.
If we get any time companies who sell software for haiku, we can think around a HaikuStore.
Good day,
(take this post with some amount of humour )
Actually, and honoring the best Sci-Fi movie of all times ;), The Fifth Element (Le Cinquieme Element) by Luc Besson, as KDL (Kernel Debugging Land) is also the acronym for the main characters of that movie, Korben Dallas (Bruce Willis) and Leeloo (Mila Jovovich), I think that the best name for HaikuDepot, not being HaikuDepot, would be:
Supergreen Software Bazaar
Supergreen, for obvious Fifth Elemental reasons, and Bazaar for the exoticness of Haiku. If Supergreen Software Bazaar launches with some Tar music, and we can get Microprocessor manufacturers to add some spices on top of the processors that release the spice aroma over certain workloads, could trigger that too when launching Supergreen Software Bazaar, so with the Tar music and the spices’ aroma, user would be transported to the Istanbul bazaars’ environment looking for Haiku software. And changing all .HPKG to .TAR would be even better, matching by name the Tar instrument too.
Wouldn’t that be amazing?
Just my 2 cents, I don’t understand the commotion on the naming “HaikuDepot” Seeing the history (and it has been said) BeDepot was one of the instances to download BeOS packages, there was BeBits also, but I’m OK with HaikuDepot …
After one month of silence for this comment. You started again lots of discussion by renew it.
But HaikuBazar would be nice, thx roiredxsoto
Thanks @brunobastardi, though the post was more of a fun thing than serious. Seriously I wouldn’t dare to ask Blender devs to change the name to Threedeemaster, nor Wonderbrush to Paintorama, nor LibreOffice to BusinessDocLivre and so on… you get the point
Some humour sometimes is good to guarantee mental stability , not that I’m mentally unstable… am I?
PS: I do fully understand the reasoning behind @bitigchi’s proposal though. With XXXstore or StoreXXX everywhere it’s “hard” to do something different. Mate Desktop calls it Software Boutique, KDE calls it Discover. Actually, imho the name is less important, and the Quick Tour/Jump Start app (non-invasive) would solve any doubts newcomers might have regarding the software available and where to search for it.
Hahaa, if I ever write a graphics application/image editor (not very likely to happen), that would be the name for it
Why is there no Option in the survey to “Keep HaikuDepot”?
that gets my vote
I like Depot as a name because I use Haiku specifically to get away from the soulless commercial storefronts that modern applications have become, and return to when PCs were playful and packed with simple functionality. Depot evokes that feeling because it doesn’t bring to mind paying for products, but rather logistics, usability, industrial chic.
HaikuDepot as (GUI) and pkgman (CLI) from terminal is just bad naming. Atleast have the same name.
It’s not the same thing, why name it the same? If you type “HaikuDepot” on the commandline you will get HaikuDepot and not pkgman.
(also, don’t forget the package command which does some stuff HaikuDepot does, but pkgman does not and does stuff HaikuDepot does not do etc.)
A name of a gui is in the most times different from the program behind.
HaikuDepot is a good name, and the program is for the user. The pkgman command is shell sie, and for expert users they have no fun for a gui to use.
How can it be a good name, have you read this thread? A lot of people dislike it, not just me. If it were a good name this thread wouldn’t exist.
That’s circular logic “it was talked about” is hardly the same as “everyone agrees with me”
You may also notice the number of likes on extrowerks post, which outnumber the votes in the original poll, I’d say statistically you are wrong in your assesment.
I am not here to fight, but please accept that some doesn’t like the name.
Different people diffent meaning. So i can say it is a good name for me.
This dicussion should not only for dislikes
Names like ‘applications storage’ sounds good but is not the ‘be’ style. And we need a not protected name by any other company out there.
appStorage sounds good, but people can think haiku is a mac system.