Haiku R1/beta5 has been released! | Haiku Project



We knew about it being Friday the 13th… I’m internally joking that we’re breaking bad news that “Haiku’s not R1 yet”.

We’re close though… We’re really close. Browser refinements, some time for VPN to mature with our new TUN/TAP drivers, Continued OpenGL improvements… maybe some basic hardware virtualization acceleration.

We also need to tackle having stable branches of haikuports on the infrastructure side. This release showed that every release sharing one big pool of haikuports is a bad idea. We need stable branches. mmlr did some awesome work to make buildmaster use s3 object storage which was a major blocker to branches of haikuports.

We’re close ™


Well, that’s good news! Congrats! Hopefully this will bring some extra attention from the media.

Amazing, thank you everyone.

I installed the r1beta5 and currently radeon_hd driver will no longer work and in the other hrev’s from beta 4 was working. Oh my good i went back to take old releases if they work or switch to another OS.

I wonder if up next is a Beta 6 or the R1

A beta 6. There are 600 known bugs in the R1 milestone and I’m sure there will be more discovered. For beta5 we fixed about 350, in almost two years. So we still have quite a lot of work ahead of us.


Hope this doesnt come out too harshly, but as long as we release the beta starting from the main branch, we’ll never reach R1.
We keep implementing new stuff in the main tree, obviously introducing new bugs.
If we want to do a proper release, we should keep working on the beta5 branch and fix the bugs there.


On the other hand you can call R1 what we have and go on with the development.
There is not much difference in practice, anyway

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With the last few beta releases we have been backporting bugfixes (and only bugfixes) to the beta branch.

We see that after two years, people are starting to run the nightly builds to get the new features anyways.

So, yes, in theory, making R1 from the beta branch and having new features in a separate branch gets us to R1 quicker. But it also gets us to a R1 version that no one will ever use because it will be lacking 2 years worth of new features.

I don’t know, what’s the best balance here? People want everything, the new features and only the bugfixes :smiley:


Of course, because too much time has passed from the previous beta. That’s why it probably makes sense to call this/any version the R1.
People are using it, it works.


That’s a discussion we can have by moving tickets to different milestones on the bugtracker (or renaming the milestones altogether).

I’m not against it, in fact the last major triaging was done by me when I created the R1.1 milestone. Since then there have not been much interest in looking over the tickets and moving more things out of R1. And any discussions has good chances to end up with people requesting more things in R1, too (I have my personal wishlist, but I will keep it for myself to avoid that :slight_smile: )


11 posts were split to a new topic: Project development philosophies and direction

thank you all for the updates.