Project development philosophies and direction

It is a good thing you are not the person in charge, here you are :stuck_out_tongue:

Nothing wrong with that, but then it probably should be mentioned in the FAQ as the team’s philosophy. Because apparently it’s important to at least some part of the community, as the discussions about R1 keep popping up now and then. (I’d also say it’s important for marketing purposes and Haiku perception by the external audience, but that’s another topic, big and complex one).

How does the process usually look like after the new beta is released? Currently, there are 13 tickets for beta6, and exactly 600 for R1. Will you and other devs grab some of the R1 tickets you feel like the right ones to be implemented/fixed for the next release and bring them to beta6 milestone, or use some other strategy?

Also, do you have any statistics on how the number of R1 issues changes from year to year? Is it decreasing or increasing, and at which pace?

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