Haiku R1/beta2 Release Candidate 2

Ah Ok. I had only one crash. Then it was the screen that looked like the KDL.

I have one question. On your hardware matrix there was stated that VEGA 56 should work with mode setting. Unfortunately it did not.

I can make a bug report and test if you want.

I also will test a HD 7770 and HD 5450 soon.

Hi - I’m trying to update r1beta2 hrev54154+31 x86_gcc2h (live boot USB) and I’m getting the following:
Encountered problems: problem 1: nothing provides haikuwebkit_x86>=1.7.0 needed by webpositive_x86-r1~beta2_hrev54154_111-1 solution 1: - keep webpositive_x86-r1~beta2_hrev54154_31-1 from excluded repository Please select a solution, skip the problem for now or quit. select [1/s/q]:

Check that you are using the correct URL for the haikuports repository, it looks like it’s failing to find packages that are definitely there.

What is the correct URL and how do I set it (e.g. drop/add-repo in pkgman or HaikuDepot UI), etc.?

From the command line:

pkgman add-repo https://eu.hpkg.haiku-os.org/haiku/r1beta2/$(getarch)/current
pkgman add-repo https://eu.hpkg.haiku-os.org/haikuports/r1beta2/$(getarch)/current
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Getting this failure:

failed : Initialization failed

I think I will just wait for the official release and re-flash the USB …

I’m still waiting, too. Hopefully we will have R1/beta2 soon.

Issues don’t magically fix themselves; if nobody reports them, they won’t get fixed…

Anyway, RC2 is set to become the final R1/beta2, so if you know of any critical problems, “speak now or forever hold your peace”.


The instructions now say, about this,

Warning: only upgrading from Beta 1 is supported. It may be possible to upgrade from prior development images, but this is untested and you may run into unknown problems.

If that’s an inherent limitation of this approach, is it really still better than allowing Installer to do it? “Prior” is ambiguous here, it could mean “prior to R1/beta2” or “prior to R1/beta1”, I assume the former. In any case, is there not a fairly large number of us for whom no upgrade path is fully supported? How is this better?

Updating from R1/beta1 is supported, and updating from any intermediate development image should work, but updating from any version before that is untested and may or may not work.

I’m not sure how there are a fairly large number of people for whom there isn’t an upgrade path “supported” – how many people have a pre-Beta1 install of Haiku around?

I don’t know. As you see, I guessed wrong on what “prior” meant, but neither would I have been able to supply a number for how many people are somewhere between Beta 1 and Beta 2.

To be honest, the ambiguity was intended. Indeed, everything between beta 1 (i.e. hrev52295) and beta 2 (hrev54154) should be able to upgrade using the repository switch, but we did not run tests on all intermediate versions and as such we can’t guarantee it. Upgrading from beta 1 was explicitly tested.

I’m still on this release candidate and should work soon with the official beta2, but meanwhile, I’m heavily using the live-usb feature. I like to test and work on haiku from different computers.

The problem is I want to install some libraries (from an old program I’ve compiled some years ago), and the /Haiku/system/lib/ is locked:

cp libncurses.so.5 /Haiku/system/lib/
cp: cannot create regular file ‘/Haiku/system/lib/libncurses.so.5’: Read-only file system

only this part is in read-only, I can write on the same usb drive in my /Haiku/home

df -h
Mount Type Total Free Flags Device

/boot bfs 690.0 MiB 47.8 MiB QAM-P-W /dev/disk/usb/0/0/0
/boot/system packagefs 4.0 KiB 4.0 KiB QAM-P–
/boot/home/config packagefs 4.0 KiB 4.0 KiB QAM-P–

Is there a writable lib folder into which I could send some libraries?

You can use /boot/home/config/non-packaged/lib or /boot/system/non-packaged/lib.

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Yes, as @X512 said, use the “non-packaged” directories. (You can also install a system ncurses using pkgman, or you can also put any libs that only your program needs into a lib subdirectory of where your program’s binary is.)

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thanks a lot for your valuable help @X512 and @waddlesplash !

I wasn’t aware of all that. At first I tried with the individual lib files in the same folder, but I hadn’t tried with a ./lib subfolder!

The ncurses in pkgman is too recent for my old binaries. They sort of work with my old ncurses, but there are also other missing lib, so I suppose I’ll have to compile them again. They also require xterm-256color. It was for some interactive fiction interpreters (ifiction.free.fr - Fiction-FR --- Le carrefour francais de la fiction interactive). At least fizmo is in pkgman, but I’ll try to make more packages for including them in pkgman, it’s so conveniant…