Haiku booting on Mac Mini 2010 but no Sound no Network

Well, I actually am able to get my 2010 model Mac Mini to boot from a USB Thumb Drive now. Lots of tinkering I was able to write the haiku-anyboot.image to the USB Thumb Drive in OS X and then with a bootable CD with reFit on it, it can now see the BeOS Thumb Drive and actually boot from it. Using wired Apple mouse and keyboard of course. No wireless.

Unfortunately, Haiku does not even see the built in ethernet port and I even tried a Apple USB Ethernet dongle and Network Preferences sees it but it does not seem to communicate to the network at all. So, close, but no cigar.

Sound also does not work. The Media Preferences see the HD Audio but no sound. Tried Media Player and it acts like it sees the data but no sound. 8-(

So, can boot from either a Live CD or if you do what I did above, boot from a USB Thumb Drive with Haiku on it. Just not really too functional when there is no sound or internet.

Anyway, wonder if any gurus have an idea on how to get sound or network running in this config?

Was nice to be somewhat successful after spending hours tinkering and getting it to finally boot Haiku though. hehehe


What format can I do to a USB thumb drive that both a Mac and Haiku can read and write to? Tj

Also in System Profiler what is the Vendor ID and Device ID of the network chipset ?

edit: fat32 should work.

Not sure if this is 100% but I saw in an Apple forum the chipset for audio on the Mac Mini 2010 is Cirrus 4206ACNZ audio controller. So, anyone know if this is compatible with Haiku? Some work-around for audio maybe I can download and install?

When I did my System Profiler on my Mac Mini the audio section just says it is Intel High Definition Audio Built In is all.


[quote=macsociety]Not sure if this is 100% but I saw in an Apple forum the chipset for audio on the Mac Mini 2010 is Cirrus 4206ACNZ audio controller. So, anyone know if this is compatible with Haiku? Some work-around for audio maybe I can download and install?

When I did my System Profiler on my Mac Mini the audio section just says it is Intel High Definition Audio Built In is all.


You’d need a network connection,

In terminal you’d type

installoptionalpackage -a opensound.

Any way I can download this on a Mac, write to some USB Thumb Drive or CD that is writeable on my Mac Mini in Mac mode and then readable in Haiku? Then install that way?

Or, anyone know of a USB Ethernet Dongle that actually works with Haiku? I was hoping my Apple USB dongle would work. At least Haiku sees it. Just does not work. Pretty sure my manual settings in Network Preference are correct and when selecting DHCP it only grabs generic IP info so it is not seeing my router. 8-(

Maybe another USB Ethernet dongle will do the trick. At least getting sound would be sweet so if a manual install is possible, cool.

If not, anyone ever use a USB Ethernet dongle that worked?

The Mac Mini has wifi so how would Haiku even see it? If it can see it on notebooks, why not on the Mac Mini?


installoptionalpackage just installs this package:

So if you manually install that (while taking care to read the readme), then your sound should work.

They are:

Vendor ID: 0x14e4
Device ID: 0x16b4

Curious, what will this tell you?

Thanks for the tips. I will try copying the file to a fat formated USB Thumb Drive and see if I can get copied to Haiku. :sunglasses:


It tells what hardware is in your computer. Then can search the source to see if a driver is available for your network hardware.

I checked and found you have:
NetXtreme BCM57765 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe

Your device id does not show up in Haiku. Driver present but that version has no support for your network card.

Open ticket & ask developer to add support for your network device.

PCI IDs are centrally registered, they uniquely identify PCI devices. Together with other PCI metadata they’re used to implement hotplug (Haiku doesn’t offer this) and coldplug automatic configuration of drivers.

So, you can do two things with this information if you know how: Firstly you can find out what exact hardware someone has. In this case it’s a Broadcom NetXtreme BCM57765 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe. This is much more reliable than asking someone for the make and model, because brand-conscious companies may provide their own branding, which only gets in the way when trying to developer driver support.

Secondly you can query the drivers on Haiku or on other systems to see which drivers support this hardware to get an idea if it should work already, or how much work it would take to get it working. Linux, for example, supports this hardware with tg3.ko a driver for the Broadcom Tigon3 chipset family.

Well. 1/2 good news. I have Internet now! I purcgased a USB Lan Adapter for $20 and plugged into rear of Mac Mini, booted into Haiku, it saw this as a network card in the network preferences, and now DHCP grabbed an IP and all. I then launched Web Positive and as we speak, I am writing this message from my Haiku running on Mac Mini 2010! Cooool!

But, still no sound. 8-(

So, need further help here.

I tried the terminal command and it appears to have downloaded and installed something. But, still now sound. What is the easiest way to test sounds? I copied an old MP3 from a USB Thumb Drive and it acts like it is playing in Media Player but no sound.

I did notice lots of errors and warnings during the OpenSound install about certain things it could not install or do but did act like it did download and do some stuff.

Am I supposed to do something more after running that from Terminal? Some settings someplace?

I can try installing it again and write down some of the errors but not sure that will help.

Any other suggestions to confirm this OpenSound did install?


Do I need to remove anything so the new OpenSound files take over? I am now on Internet with the Mac Mini and used Terminal to download and install the OpenSound but it still does not work. tj

By the way, I am now on Internet with my Mac Mini running Haiku. Using a USB Ethernet Adapter and now using Web Positive. Just need to get sound working and I will be there! hehehe


I added disabled to the file names of the 2 HDA files as noted in this forum message I found below. I then reinstalled opensound via terminal. Media preference no longer shows HDA driver but no OSS driver shows in preference. Do I need to move the installed files someplace so they are seen? Tj

Re: Troubleshooting sound
by bbjimmy - 2009-10-23 15:07
/boot/system/add-ons/kernel/drivers/bin/hda and the link to it at /boot/system/add-ons/kernel/drivers/dev/audio/hmulti/hda
I suggest you move the files for easy replacement.
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HDA driver may conflict with OpenSound driver. Just delete hda with Tracker. It will go to trash can and you can undelete if you ever have to.

Also, provide listdev output for your sound card so we can see what you have. Name, vendor & device ids would really help here.

And how do I get output on the sound card portion of the Mac Mini? Is there something I type in terminal while booted in Haiku? Tj

type in terminal, listdev

Copy only the sound card part.

You only have two choices for HDA sound card. HDA or OpenSound driver. If OpenSound does not work, you can file ticket (with your syslog) on HDA driver to have developer check out the issue.

OK, posted my first 2 Tickets. Hope I did it correctly. First timer here. Hope thsi helps getting the Mac Mini to run Haiku 100%. Millions are being sold and would be a sweet dual 2.4GHz Haiku Screamer Computer. :sunglasses: New, modern, small, fast, and cool. hehehe For now I am almost there as at least I am typing this from a Haiku-ed Mac Mini on the net with help of my external USB Ethernet Adapter. Anyway, 2 tickets were entered. One for internal ethernet not working and 2nd no sound even with OpenSound. Thanks, tj

Thanks for sending them. Your tickets have good description but are missing syslog file. You always require to attach syslog file when you have hardware issues. Syslog file shows what is going on when Haiku is booting and records any errors. Developer must have this to look into the ticket - start working on it.

Search for syslog & attach to both tickets but I think you’ll find it under:

Also, for HDA you’ll have to remove OpenSound (or do fresh install) because the HDA information gets wiped from syslog when you no longer use that driver.

I did the Sys Log. Thanks for the tip.

Do you know when I add new attachments to Tickets and post a new update message like I tried the nightly build and it still did not work, does someone receive notice I posted a new message and added new attachments?

Just curious how they are alerted I added new infos.

