Haiku Beta


I have consider to buy new computer just for Haiku OS, but i dont wanna buy it before Haiku Beta is released. So my simple question is when Haiku Beta might be released ?

It looks as though it will be early (well, first half anyway) of next year, I hope. Currently they are feature complete for the beta, but there are some critical bugs that need to be fixed first (less than 5 or 10 IIRC).

I don’t think they are actually in release mode yet, there was some disagreement on how to go about freezing the code base for bug fixes before proceeding, etc. Meanwhile new features continue to be added… when the feature freeze/bug fixing/testing phase begins (that they normally do before each release) you can be sure that the release is coming soon (1-3 months, depending on the date set at the start of the freeze).

Maybe they are waiting for the server side of the package management to be completed, with automated building of packages, before they really consider it feature complete for the beta. This is very close, as I understand it.

What nightly should I be using to be on track with the beta? From what I understand it will be gcc4 or gcc4 hybrid based…

Beta and R1 will both be x86_gcc2 (gcc2 hybrid) meaning that they have both gcc2 and gcc4 compilers and can run gcc2 and gcc4 apps. The kernel and system add-ons are all gcc2.

I always assumed that Beta 1 marked the point of feature completeness for R1 and no new code would be added except for security and bug fixes for existing code. If the devs continue to add new and potentially buggy code after beta 1, then R1 will stretch into infinity.

That is what will happen. New features are being added currently because the beta feature freeze point has not been reached. They will not add new features to the beta after release, just stabilise it for the R1 release. But features will continue to be added to the R2 branch. Currently the team do not appear to have agreed on exactly how this will work…

What kind of PC are you considering? laptop or desktop? What sort of activities do you expect to run on haiku?

Maybe some Haiku OS fans will buy new hardware around christmas.
So it might be interesting on which well defined hardware Haiku beta
intends to run. Is there a modern reference hardware configuration?

I am not aware of a reference platform, but in my experience Lenovo laptops are very compatible with Haiku, whereas Dells are not.

A nice application for someone to write (GCI?) would be a system tester that checks and benchmarks various parts of the system, like SiSandra on Windows.
CPU speed
Graphics speed
Audio check
Disk benchmark
Wifi access/speed
Network access/speed

There used to be an app for BeOS that did benchmarking called “BeRometer”. I still have it on one of by old BeOS archive CD.

Here’s a copy on Haikuware. Looks like we need an updated version.

  • http://www.haikuware.com/directory/view-details/utilities/system-system-information/berometer

Too bad that some of the very best apps for BeOS were closed source, such as Adamation PersonalStudio, GoBe Software Productive, or even OmicronSoft BeRometer. After 15 years is the source code even available? Is it now considered abandonware? Could the legal status be reviewed so development be picked up again for Haiku?

I have been tracking the authors of Adamation but have not been able to locate them yet. We do have the source to GoBe Productive but it cannot be open sourced because it has some proprietary source code in it. It is also a huge amount of code and would require many man-months to port it.

Sorry my answer took so long. I have plan to build desktop PC, so i just want to wait beta so i can make my PC as good as possible(i mean compatibility). Btw is it possible/wise to make program that scan all your computer parts and send those to somewhere, so coders can pick up most popupar/used parts and make driver for those to get more drivers ?

A hardware compatibility reporting app has been sitting on the back burner for a while now.

There is an upublished GCI2014 task for an app, but not many students took up app writing tasks.

There might be a new subproject starting up this year that will be looking into this type of extra app stuff.

[quote=richienyhus]A hardware compatibility reporting app has been sitting on the back burner for a while now.

There is an upublished GCI2014 task for an app, but not many students took up app writing tasks.

There might be a new subproject starting up this year that will be looking into this type of extra app stuff.[/quote]
There is a Linux one that may be worth looking at, called ‘inxi’.

Can’t wait for the Beta.


Thomas R

Perhaps the Librem 15 laptop would be a great choice for a Haiku computer! It is able to run fully open source Linux distro, Trisquel with no proprietary software needed! Would Haiku Beta 1 or Release 1 be able to run on this beast?

Judging by the specs, yes, Haiku should work very well on that laptop right now. :slight_smile: