Haiku Beta

Are we there yet… :slight_smile:

can’t wait for the beta. looking forward to it. one issue I have. I understand that the only thing available currently is the alpha edition, and I’m sure some things will be changed or added to the beta build between now and then, but in any case I know there are those who for whatever reason do not like adobes flash player, but haiku is based off of beos, which back in the day was one of the most advanced multimedia systems, and people are acessing all kinds of multimedia content online nowadays, flash included. my point is, with haiku os I have trouble in some cases accessing even basic multimedia content. I also have blu-ray files on my harddrive.those won’t playback properly either. I would like to make haiku os one of my full time systems, but until these issues are resolved and I can have access to a good browser with descent plugins to solve some of these problems I just don’t see how.these are just basic things ANY os should be able to handle out of the box. I really hope these issues are resolved in the beta edition.

can’t wait for the beta. looking forward to it. one issue I have. I understand that the only thing available currently is the alpha edition, and I’m sure some things will be changed or added to the beta build between now and then, but in any case I know there are those who for whatever reason do not like adobes flash player, but haiku is based off of beos, which back in the day was one of the most advanced multimedia systems, and people are acessing all kinds of multimedia content online nowadays, flash included. my point is, with haiku os I have trouble in some cases accessing even basic multimedia content. I also have blu-ray files on my harddrive.those won’t playback properly either. I would like to make haiku os one of my full time systems, but until these issues are resolved and I can have access to a good browser with descent plugins to solve some of these problems I just don’t see how.these are just basic things ANY os should be able to handle out of the box. I really hope these issues are resolved in the beta edition.

For all the time and money spent, I would have rather have had a multimedia package than the package manager . . .

Waiting for an alternative to install wi-fi firmware offline without script…and fixes in HDA driver


I wouldn’t ever expect to see Adobe Flash under Haiku as they stopped supporting Linux years ago so why should they support Haiku? GNASH - maybe.

What I miss the in current Haiku browsers is support for HTML5 video. I expected this to work as it works under ARM Linux etc. but neither WebPositive nor Qupzilla seem to be able to handle HTML5 video yet.

I just now watched an HTML5 youtube video (Canto do Amanhecer, Carlos Paredes) via WebPositive. It didn’t go real smoothly - various rendering glitches, it seemed to be running at a very slow frame rate, attempt to go back and see if his accompanist really goofed a passage seems to have hung up the works - but the audio was OK and there was video after a fashion. This is r48962, and I think this level of support goes back at least several months before that, haven’t been keeping track.

I may have pepper flash crossed with Adobe flash, but what I’m referring to is being able to watch streaming video in the Web browser. Something like the live stream from sites such as twit.tv
Considering haiku os is based on a distro that was known for its multimedia capabilities this kind of thing should just be basic. And I can’t even playback blu-ray files stored on my hd. Really? I’m supposed to be excited about this? I am just really hoping all this is fixed in the beta edition. And I’m really hoping to see the beta maybe SOMETIME IN MY LIFETIME PLEASE. Not trying to be mean here. Just saying

There was a regression in the ffmpeg decoder package that currently prevents the playback of many HD formats and possibly affects YouTube video as well. Try any revision from 48269 through 48462 for a working build.

You don’t have to stick to the alpha version, you can get nightly builds from http://download.haiku-os.org. These should be rather close to what will be in the beta version, with maybe more bugs.
If you find things that doesn’t work as they should in these builds, you can open bug reports at http://dev.haiku-os.org. If you don’t take the time to do this, it is less likely that the bugs will be fixed.

Hello all

thanks to everyone for all the helpful information posted here. I have been using the nightly builds, but

I’m moving forward and taking the advice of vidrep and using some of the other builds as you listed.

Thanks for the info on that one. I’ll give one of them a shot and cross my fingers.

I’m with you xwolfe. I would have rather seen a good multimedia package.

To all the developers, I’m sure there have been a few times here where I have sounded like a jerk.

I would like to apologize for that, it was not my intent to come off that way. I’m just anxious to see

this go beta so I can start using this as my full time system, and there are so many things I would like

to use this for including 24 bit audio, streaming netflix and of course my blu-rays. Maybe I’ve been a

little spoiled by how quickly things advance in linux. I’m ready to start using this full time, and at the

same time I want to see it done right, but I hope I haven’t been too much of a jerk here, and if I have I

offer my apologies