Gemini Protocol?

I love the idea of Gemini as well.

Webpositive can already open gopher sites. Someone just needs to add gemini support :wink:

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And how can i activate?


Not anymore since we switched to using the cURL backend instead of the Haiku native one.

There is enough work to keep WebPositive working with HTTP and HTML, it seems better to use a separate browser for the other protocols for now.


Ahoy folks,

Besides Lagrange in HDepot there is another Gemini browser.


I’ve found it accidentally - I try to install all browsers available on Haiku,… at least for http(s)/HTML capable ones … so I was really wondering when I wrote a site in the Kristall’s input field …
… it extended the URL with ‘gemini:’ , so it wanted to search by Gemini protocol. Now I checked [About] menu item - just for you guys :

So, iti is really a Gemini browser - not needed to force Webpositive to do it - unless someone feels the urge to enhance it with a new protocol.

Although the mass here been anticipating/awaiting much higher WebKit2 for Web+ than the new Gemini feature …



Im trying (very slow) made it in yab.

Using curl to gopher and gemurl to gemini ( stopped because i cant compile gemurl in32 bits haiku) working fine in 64 bits …

Now i just need… Everything else xD

Ok, I just read other poster
also written about Kristall Gemini browser above.
Well, I didn’t remember I was red it or not earlier - I was just wondering about this fact I discovered lately and share it with you when Calebin wanted to know if it can be wired into Web+.


Wikipedia article about the protocol enlists dozens of Gemini browsers - with really different languages used to develop and in several UIs / platforms / environments.
For example,
there is a plugin for Dillo browser, that is available in HaikuDepot.

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I feel somewhat disappointed, although Kristall has everything I was planning for my browser (and much more to be honest) I think… even for browsing gopher QT is the best option!! nothing native! It works very very well and is quite configurable.

Thank you very much for the recommendation!

I am playing around with Kristall, it seems a nice browser but on the Lo-Fi Haiku site it mangles the “Haiku” ascii art logo.

Also, is there any plans to get the blog posts up to present? Is there sufficient demand?

When installing Kristall there is an awful lot of packages that want to come with it. This seems excessive for a supposedly minimalist browser for navigating a minimalist protocol. It rather seems to go against the whole point of using Gemini.

Is there a more “native” system with fewer packages?

There is no native gemini browser currently.

Native Gemini browser may be a good project for a novice haiku dev to cut their teeth on!