Falkon (ex QupZilla)

There was migration to WebKit2 - an incompatible API change from the original WebKit.

This provides a non-Qt development model for WebPositive and uses a improved state process split model directly into the framework, allowing other clients of WebKit to use it.

A bit easier for certain development projects…

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Would be nice to pay for waddlesplash first before we start hiring more people


Maybe putting clear cut goals for the community to help with would help, like haiku needs to raise $xxxxxxx for xxxxxxx

You onow

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Haiku Inc needs atleast waddlesplashes salary in monthly recurring donations, that isn’t really raising money for a short term goal, the contract will only become sustainable once enough gets in per month, it cant be payed out of savings forever.


If you go to the Haiku website: https://haiku-os.org - the donation tracker on there serves as our yearly donation goal. In the past, this was 10000 USD but it was recently increased to 20000 USD.

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And what is that monthly expense ?

The reckless, infinite scope of web browsers puts web browser development into perspective.


its only me or others experiment this error all the time too? happens with the forum, ytbe, etc…

Bitmap Clip

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That’s a known bug,happens for me too and many others are also complaining about crashes.
Just reload the tab whenever that happens,then it should be fine again.

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Oftentimes this can just be ignored. Click on the Fallon window tab to put it in the background, so that you can continue browsing.

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Github webpage animation using Falkon 3.1.0 on Haiku x64:


FYI Don’t be suprised if KDE discontinues Falkon out of the blue, KDE loves to have 6 different programs for one purpose and discontinue all of them just to repeat the cycle again (2 music players, 3 calculators, 2 video players, 2 web browsers).

Most of the seemingly redundant KDE apps are hyperspecialised (e.g. Falkon for desktop web browsing, Angelfish for mobile web browser), older software still being maintained since they still have users (e.g. Konqueror, Kid3, KFind, etc.), or are from subcommunities with differing development and design directions from mainstream KDE (such as every Maui app).

If anything else, KDE has trouble with discontinuing apps (especially older ones). However, that also means that Falkon prolly won’t be discontinued “out of the blue” as some folks may claim. KDE seems to be able to maintain all of that anyways as a project magnitudes larger than Haiku, but with a smaller scope.


I don’t think that will happen in the next few years,but even if it happens,it won’t be that much of a problem for Haiku.
The difficult part was porting the QtWebEngine itself (which we have now),the browsers that depend on it are rather easy.
If Falkon is gone,you can still use Qutebrowser,Konqueror or Otter Browser (which probably needs to be recompiled to make use of WebEngine) and get about the same experience.
Also it shouldn’t be that difficult to port the next browser from the KDE project then,as we already have the WebEngine on which it will very likely depend again.




how stable ??

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Unless that screenshot is of a different version than the one in Haiku Depot, then not very. It’s quite unstable; the one saving grace is that one tab crashing doesn’t bring down the whole browser, so you can usually terminate, reload the tab, and it might work for a bit longer. Still pretty frustrating to use though; I think the issues are mainly with the underlying QTWebEngine port.


QTWebkit is now debugged?

Falkon uses QtWebEngine, not QtWebKit.


I compiled the latest repository checkout on Haiku and it crashes as frequently.
As you mentioned, the problems are with QTWebEngine itself, so it seems that the version of Falkon used doesn’t influence much its stability as the underlying QTWebEngine you link to it’s always the same.

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